Sgaoth Aird, Isle of Harris

It was wet and windy as I parked on an old section of the A859 Tarbert to Stornoway Road just north of its junction with the B887 Huisinis Road. It was a bit of a thought to leave the car, cross the new section of carriageway and head directly into the wind blowing down Glen Skeaudale.

There were various animal trails to follow as I walked east up this glen gradually gaining height, staying well above the Skeaudale River which was in spate. On reaching the stream flowing down from the col between Sgaoth Iosal and Sgaoth Aird I climbed up its west bank staying away from the edge as the water  was fairly high and noisy as it rushed through and over the rocks. I had also entered the low cloud.

On reaching this col I ascended the Tump, Sgaoth Iosal. I then returned to the col and in gusting wind and driving rain, which stung my face, climbed the Marilyn, Sgaoth Aird. On gaining the summit cairn I took a quick photo and headed back to the col then down the west side of the stream and returned to my car by the outward route.

Summit, Sgaoth Aird
Summit, Sgaoth Aird
Young Snipe
Young Snipe
  • Time taken – 3 hours.
  • Distance – 7.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 565 metres.