
Cairndaie Hill: This Tump was located south of Sauchen and accessed from the unclassified road to its south. I parked west of Lyne of Linton Farm and walked west along the minor road before entering a field, crossing it and a second one to reach a stone dyke and barbed wire fence at the south side of a line of trees. Once over this dyke and fence it was a short walk to the summit, located in a field and marked by a pile of rubbish, old wood, toilet, plastic etc. The return was a more direct route re-crossing the dyke, fence and fields.

Gallow Hill:  Parked at the side of the unclassified Ordhead to Craigearn Road east of its junction with the Sauchen to Monymusk Road and walked south-east passed a couple of houses. Beyond, the vehicle track shown on the map no longer existed as it was overgrown although possibly used by the odd walker.

This led to a number of houses at West Mains but I missed the vehicle track to the west so went through a hedge, across a ditch and round the edge of a field of crops to locate this track. It was shown as continuing south-east along the edge of a forest but instead ended at a quarry. It was then rough going with some snow cover as I walked along the edge of the trees to reach another copse. Here I wandered through these trees with lots of windblown timber to reach the summit of this Tump. The return was by the upward route although I used the track to the west of West Mains.

  • Total time 1.5 hours.
  • Total distance – 5.75 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 155 metres.