Rough Bounds West of Loch Shiel

With a reasonable forecast I decided to climb a couple of lesser visited hills west of the head of Loch Shiel. I left my car on rough ground on the south side of the A830 Fort William to Mallaig Road west of Glenfinnan at grid reference NM856813. I crossed a locked stock gate, the bridge over the Allt Lon a’ Mhuidhe then the private level crossing of the Fort William to Mallaig railway line.

Once on the south side I walked south-east planning to make a direct ascent of An t-Sleubhaich but soon cancelled that idea as the long grass was wet and the ground a bit waterlogged after heavy rain a few days previous. I thereafter located the grassy path, it was also a bit wet, and headed south-west just below a ridge line. This took me away from my planned hills but the thought was that higher up I might be able to cut across the hillside.

A830 towards Glenfinnan
A830 towards Glenfinnan

The path later turned south, became less obvious, and later disappeared.

Sound of Eigg, Isles of Rum and Eigg
Sound of Eigg, Isles of Rum and Eigg

There didn’t appear to be a suitable route to traverse east so I continued south to a small lochan, climbed into Coire a’ Choin Duinn then to a col south of the Corbett Top, Beinn Odhar Mhor. At 690 metres I was away higher than my targeted hills at 533 and 530 metres and further away from An t-Sleubhaich than I had been at the start.

An t-Sleubhaich and Coire Odhar
An t-Sleubhaich and Coire Odhar

It was a steep drop east, avoiding some crags, into Coire Odhar, losing several hundred metres in the process.

Descent route into Coire Odhar
Descent route into Coire Odhar

I crossed the Allt a’ Choire Odhair then later turned south-east and climbed through some rough ground onto Meall a’ Bhrodainn. The highest point of this Tump was an outcrop.

An t- Sleubhaich and Lochan nan Sleubhaich
An t- Sleubhaich and Lochan nan Sleubhaich
Meall a' Bhrodainn
Meall a’ Bhrodainn
Beinn Odhar Mhor
Beinn Odhar Mhor
Loch Shiel and Glenfinnan
Loch Shiel and Glenfinnan
Across Loch Shiel to Meall a' Bhainne, Sgurr nan Cearc and Meall Doire na Mnatha
Across Loch Shiel to Meall a’ Bhainne, Sgurr nan Cearc and Meall Doire na Mnatha
Loch Shiel. Beinn Resipol in the distance
Loch Shiel. Beinn Resipol in the distance

The descent north-east was fairly steep at times and passed to the west of Lochan nan Sleubhaich, then there were lots of outcrops to avoid as I climbed north-east onto the summit of the Hump, An t-Sleubhaich, marked by an outcrop.

Sgurr Thuilm and Streap
Sgurr Thuilm and Streap
Loch Shiel and Loch Eil
Loch Shiel and Loch Eil
Across Loch Shiel to Coire Ghiubhsachain
Across Loch Shiel to Coire Ghiubhsachain
Loch Eilt. Isles of Rum and Eigg in the distance
Loch Eilt. Isles of Rum and Eigg in the distance
Sgurr a' Mhuidhe
Sgurr a’ Mhuidhe
Loch Eil zoomed
Loch Eil zoomed
Ben Nevis zoomed
Ben Nevis zoomed
Loch Eilt zoomed
Loch Eilt zoomed
Isle of Rum zoomed
Isle of Rum zoomed
Isle of Eigg zoomed
Isle of Eigg zoomed

Despite the interesting approach route I had no intention of reversing it so descended west, initially easy enough, then it was hard work through very rough ground including tussocks and a few small gullies. This took me to the edge of the well spaced trees at Doire Dhamh, some of which had been blown down. Low down there was a large stretch of long grass with hollows, which was wet underfoot but by this time my feet were wet anyway so it didn’t make any difference as I aimed for the railway crossing and the locked gate.

  • Time taken – 5.75 hours.
  • Distance – 10.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 855 metres.