Rothes Wind Farm Highpoint

I parked at the west entrance to the Rothes Wind Farm on the Dallas to Knockando Road, south of the derelict building at Yellowbog, where there was limited space as the gate had to be kept clear. I walked east then north along a vehicle track towards the wind farm.

Carn Uish
Carn Uish

At a junction of tracks before the Burn of Corrhatnich I went left towards the Operations Building, the other track headed for the wind turbines. (Phase 1?) After passing these buildings the vehicle track continued north-east through mature firs to more buildings and out of the trees. I was now going east towards then later through the Wind Farm. (Phase 2?)

On nearing the summit of Carn Uish I left the vehicle track and walked through heather with numerous deep drainage ditches to reach an area of grass that looked to be the highpoint of this Tump. However there appeared to be an area of heather of similar height beside the access track to turbine 14A but it may have been manmade.

Summit area Carn Uish
Summit area Carn Uish
Glenlatterach Reservoir
Glenlatterach Reservoir
Pikey Hill
Pikey Hill
Carn na Cailliche
Carn na Cailliche

I commenced the return by descending via the access road to turbine 14A but it headed off in the wrong direction so I crossed more heather to relocate myself onto the main drag through the wind farm and returned to the start by the upward route.

  • Time taken 2.5 hours.
  • Distance – 9.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 205 metres.