
Parked beside the old boathouse at the end of the public road on the Rhue Peninsula west of the village of Arisaig and walked along the vehicle track towards Rhue House. Before reaching this property we left the track and climbed the Tump, Cruach Rhue, with wonderful views out to the Small Isles and the Isle of Skye.

Isles of Eigg and Rum
Isles of Eigg and Rum
South Channel and Isle of Skye
South Channel and Isle of Skye
Isle of Eigg
Isle of Eigg
South Channel
South Channel
Ardnamurchan Lighthouse
Ardnamurchan Lighthouse
Sun shining on the Rum Cuillin
Sun shining on the Rum Cuillin
Point of Sleat and Black Cuillin, Isle of Skye
Point of Sleat and Black Cuillin, Isle of Skye
Sound of Sleat, Sleat Peninusla and the Broadford Grahams
Sound of Sleat, Sleat Peninusla and the Broadford Grahams

We remained at the summit for some time before eventually descending to and crossing the vehicle track, a deer fence and a stone dyke.

Beyond these obstacles rough vegetation was crossed before climbing to the summit of the Tump, Cruach Doire an Dobhrain, which was marked by a trig point. Again there were some fine views including south-west to Ardnamurchan.

Islands of Coll and Tiree
Islands of Coll and Tiree
Isle of Muck
Isle of Muck
An Sgurr, Isle of Eigg
An Sgurr, Isle of Eigg
Beinn Bhuidhe, Isle of Eigg. Isle of Rum beyond
Beinn Bhuidhe, Isle of Eigg. Isle of Rum beyond
Across the Sound of Arisaig to Moidart
Across the Sound of Arisaig to Moidart

From there we descended north-east and climbed the Tump, Ruemach Hill, but the views weren’t in the same category as the previous two hills. The descent north took us towards Rhumach which was just a cattle shed with the cows roaming free on the hillside. We walked round this area but before reaching the road had to cross another deer fence.

Tor Mor
Tor Mor

Once over it and the road a path led to the summit of the Tump, Tor Mor, with more outstanding views.

Across the Sound of Arisaig to Moidart
Across the Sound of Arisaig to Moidart
Isle of Muck
Isle of Muck
An Sgurr, Isle of Eigg
An Sgurr, Isle of Eigg
Isle of Rum
Isle of Rum

Again we lingered before descending by a meandering path to the road a short distance north of the boathouse.

  • Time taken – 4 hours.
  • Distance – 6 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 270 metres.