Plockton, Wester Ross

We left the car at the side of the minor road south of Plockton and north of Loch Lundie then walked east along the track through Creagdaroch Wood, the track later turning south. At a junction of tracks we continued south to just before an old gate where a small cairn marked the start of the path to Creagdaroch. This route ran alongside a fence and into the trees, the route through the wood marked by white posts and green circles painted on trees. Once above the tree line the path became less obvious as we walked through the heather to Creagdaroch’s cairn and viewpoint. The highest point of this Tump was the knoll to the east. 

Loch Carron, Bad a' Chreama and Creag an Duilisg
Loch Carron, Bad a’ Chreama and Creag an Duilisg
Carn a' Bhealaich Mhoir
Carn a’ Bhealaich Mhoir

We returned to the track junction and here took a right, east, as the track continued through Creagdaroch Wood. The track later steepened before reaching the Bealach Mor then we continued to follow it as it wound its way to the communications tower and the cairn marking the summit of the Tump, Carn a’ Bhealaich Mhoir.

Lochans east of Carn a' Bhealaich Mhoir. Letter Hill beyond
Lochans east of Carn a’ Bhealaich Mhoir. Letter Hill beyond
Across Loch Achaidh na h-Inich to Carn Thollaidh
Across Loch Achaidh na h-Inich to Carn Thollaidh
Creagdaroch. Inner Sound beyond
Creagdaroch. Inner Sound beyond

After a break here one person returned to uplift the car and to collect us at the end of the walk.  We headed north and I took a slight diversion to ascend the North Top which may have been the same height as Carn a’ Bhealaich Mhoir.

Creag an Duilisg
Creag an Duilisg

On the descent we gradually turned north-east with traces of a path as we ascended the Tump, Creag an Duilisg. There were four highpoints but I was unable say which was the highest.

Route from Carn a' Bhrealaich Mhoir
Route from Carn a’ Bhrealaich Mhoir
Plockton, Inner Sound and Loch Carron
Plockton, Inner Sound and Loch Carron
Across Lochs Carron and Kishorn to the Applecross Hills
Across Lochs Carron and Kishorn to the Applecross Hills
Strome Islands and Ardaneaskan
Strome Islands and Ardaneaskan
Beinn Raimh
Beinn Raimh
Auchtertyre Hill
Auchtertyre Hill
Plockton, Inner Sound and Isle of Skye
Plockton, Inner Sound and Isle of Skye
Across Loch Carron to Ardaneaskan and Bad a' Chreamha
Across Loch Carron to Ardaneaskan and Bad a’ Chreamha

We descended east to an unnamed stream and followed it south-east then later north-east through rough vegetation including tussocks and heather. Lower down there were some well spaced trees and here the ground was mossy with dead bracken as well as being a bit steeper. Finally a stock fence in poor condition was crossed to gain the minor Plockton to Achmore Road at NG846335 where we were uplifted.

  • Time taken – 4.25 hours.
  • Distance – 7.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 440 metres.