
East of Perth was the Hump, Murrayshall Hill. I left my car on the minor road to the south-east of the junction with Armbathie then walked back to this junction. Here I passed through a gap in a fence and followed tracks through rough vegetation to the summit where I walked round the obelisk.

The next hill was Westhill also located east of Perth. I left my car at the side of the minor road to the south and after a short road walk west passed through a gate and followed a vehicle track across some fields and to below this Tump. I then left this track, crossed more grassy fields and a fence to reach the summit area which was beside an old brick building.

I left my car at the side of the minor road to the west and north of the house at Sitmelane. A short road walk south led to the start of a vehicle track heading east. I walked along this wet and muddy track and later crossed a small gate, a field and a stream to reach another vehicle track which took me to the outflow from a lochan. A couple more grassy fields were crossed then a stock gate into an area of well spaced trees. It was then a steep climb to the summit of the Tump, Glencarse Hill.

I then returned to the first field accessed, walked round its edge before crossing a fence and re-joining the original vehicle track. I continued east along this wet and muddy track before leaving it and climbing to the summit of the Tump, Balthayock Hill where I visited a few points as I was unable to ascertain which was highest. Afterwards descended to the vehicle track and returned to the start.

Staying east of Perth the next hill was the Tump, Craiglochie. I left my vehicle at the side of the minor road to the west of Craiglochie House and walked round an old quarry. Here I crossed into a stubble field then one of grass. At the far end of the grassy field I was confronted by barbed wire and deer fences. Once over them I entered an area of young firs and rough vegetation where the summit was located although the highest point I was unable to ascertain.

The final hill of the day was Pole Hill located east of Perth and north of my previous hill Craiglochie. I parked near the high point on the narrow road to the east of this Hump, passed through a stock gate and crossed a field. At the top end of this field there was a double stock fence with crossing points.  Once over them I was on the open hillside then it was onwards to the trig point.

  • Total time – 3.5 hours.
  • Total distance – 12.75 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 525 metres.