
With some friends we headed to west of Dolphinton and parked at the side of the minor road just west of Croft-an-Righ. We passed through a couple of gates, crossed a field containing sheep then followed a vehicle track south-west below White Hill. After gaining some height the track continued in a southerly direction to the col between White Hill and Black Mount.

Here we left the track and ascended the Tump, White Hill, on a path at the side of a stock fence. Although cloudy it was above the tops so we had views of the main Pentland Hills.

Mendick Hill
Mendick Hill
Broughton Heights
Broughton Heights
Black Mount
Black Mount
Clyde Valley
Clyde Valley

On returning to the col we crossed a barbed wire fence and walked through some heather to reach a grassy rake rising westwards below Black Mount. When this area of grass came to an end there was more heather to contend with before gaining Black Mount’s North-East Ridge.  It was then a walk of around 600 metres on a path to reach the summit trig point of this Marilyn.

The Mount
The Mount
White Hill. Pentlands beyond
White Hill. Pentlands beyond

Later we returned to the col before following the vehicle track back to the start.

  • Time taken – 2.75 hours
  • Distance – 5.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 350 metres.