Graham Tops East of Strath Avon

Checking the weather forecast for the weekend, Saturday appeared to be the better day for a trip to Strath Avon to climb a few tops on its east side. The car park at Delnabo, south-west of Tomintoul, was empty when I arrived and once geared up I set off for[…]

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The Rum Cuillin

We had arranged for an early self-service breakfast at our accommodation in Kinloch on the Isle of Rum, before setting out at 7am for a traverse of the Rum Cuillin. It was a beautiful sunny morning with a touch of frost as we walked round the outskirts of Kinloch Castle[…]

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Hump, Barkeval, Isle of Rum

Hill walking friends contacted me as they noted the weather forecast for the weekend was good and had booked accommodation at Kinloch on the Isle of Rum, which included dinner.  So on Friday morning I set off for Malliag to catch the lunchtime ferry with the intention the following day[…]

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Beinn Iaruinn and Leana Mhor west of Glen Roy

I met a Graham Bagging friend and we drove up Glen Roy, accessed from Roybridge on the A86. I parked on the grass prior to the ruins at Brunachan (Grid Ref. NM314895) where there was space for a few cars. The cloud was well down the hillside and there was[…]

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Corbett, Ben Tee, from Kilfinnan

I was en-route home from a trip to the west coast and stopped off at Kilfinnan, on the west side of Loch Lochy reached from the A82 at Laggan Locks, to climb the Corbett, Ben Tee. At the end of the single track road there was parking for several vehicles[…]

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Corbett, Carn a’ Chuilinn, from Glen Doe

I was residing with some friends on the west coast and with the weather forecast indicating better conditions further east we headed inland to Fort Augustus then along the B862, parking near the cattle grid west of the bridge over the Allt Doe. Once geared up we climbed an embankment[…]

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Easterly Ascent Sgurr Mhairi, Glamaig

On previous ascents of Sgurr Mhairi on Glamaig, Isle of Skye, I started from Sligachan, so on this visit I planned an easterly approach which avoided the scree, appeared easier and allowed me to include the Graham Top, An Coileach. I left my car in the lay-by on the west[…]

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Circuit of Coire Mor from Killilan

The friends I was staying with were planning to climb the Corbett, Sguman Coinntich, from Killilan at the head of Loch Long. I was interested in its re-ascent but keen to include the Graham Tops, Sgurr na Cloiche and Ben Killilan. The hamlet of Killilan was reached from the A87,[…]

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Munros, Sgurr Choinnich and Sgurr a’ Chaorachain

The friends I was staying with planned to climb the Corbett, Beinn Tharsuinn, from Craig in Glen Carron. As I had already climbed this hill on ascents of the remote Munro, Lurg Mhor, I decided to climb the Munros, Sgurr Choinnich and Sgurr a’ Chaorachain and accompany them as far[…]

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