Carn Mairg Group of Munros

Just after 5am I arrived in the small car park at Invervar, in Glen Lyon, reached from the B846 at Coshieville, and not surprisingly the car park was empty. I set off in semi-darkness across the road to what on my previous visit in 2009 was the start for the[…]

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Satter Hill and Knock Saul

I parked at the entrance to Townmill Farm on the east side of the B992 Keig to Insch Road, crossed this road and followed a signed route west. This initially took me across a field before I entered some long grassy vegetation where at times the path wasn’t obvious. Prior[…]

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Glen Tilt

I arrived in the car park at the Old Bridge of Tilt, accessed from the B8079 at Blair Atholl, just before 7.30am. It was fairly busy with campervans and overnight parkers. I set off initially pushing my cycle across the road and for the first couple of hundred metres along[…]

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An Socach, Pait Forest

I departed Inverness just after 4.30am and drove to the parking area at the head of Loch Long, reached from the A87 Kyle of Lochalsh Road north-west of Dornie. The midges were out as I geared up for this long cycle/walk.  I set off on my bike along the private[…]

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Elrick Hill, Aberdeen

I left my vehicle in the car park to the south-east of Elrick Hill, reached from the minor road to the south-west of Chapel of Stoneywood in Aberdeen. A path initially headed towards this Marilyn but I later walked through trees and long vegetation to reach its summit. The descent[…]

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Kingshill, Aberdeen

I left my vehicle in the car park at Countesswells Forest, located on the west side of the unclassified Kingswells to Cults Road, Aberdeen. I walked through the forest then followed a vehicle track round the east, west and north sides of Kingshill. Here another track took me towards the[…]

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Grey Corries

I was returning from Moidart and planned to stop off at the Grey Corries to climb the Munros, Stob Choire Claurigh and Stob Ban. I drove east from Spean Bridge along the minor road on the south side of the River Spean to Corriechoille then continued south up a rough[…]

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Graham, Beinn Mheadhoin

I left my vehicle in the car park on the B8043 Kingairloch to Lochaline Road, at the east end of Loch Uisge, then walked along the vehicle track to the loch and across its dam by a walkway. A rough track then headed up the north ridge of Meall a’[…]

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Sgurr Dhomhuill Mor

I parked on the verge of the A861Lochailort to Salen Road just east of Roshven Farm and walked up a fairly steep vehicle track on the west side of the Irine Burn. Just prior to a hydro electric dam, a little used path continued through the trees as the route[…]

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Glen Galmadale

We left my car in the parking area on the B8043 Inversanda to Lochaline Road at the foot of Glen Galmadale and walked the short distance west then south along this single track road to the edge of the forest. On previous ascents of Beinn na Cille a path was[…]

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