Ettrick Pen

Ettrick Pen: We left my car at the end of the single track unclassified road north-east of Potburn, accessed from the B709 at Ettrick, and walked along the vehicle track, passed the property at Potburn which was under renovation, to the bothy at Over Phawhope. From there we followed the[…]

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Glen Tilt

Earlier in the week I had checked with the estate to ascertain if they would be stalking on the date of my planned ascent of the Corbett, Beinn Mheadhonach and the Corbett Top, Carn a’ Chiaraidh. I received a reply that they were but to stick to the main ascent[…]

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I’ve previously climbed Beinn Mholach from the south so decided on this occasion to approach it from the east. This involved a longer walk but a shorter drive as I came south on the A9. I parked on an area of rough ground immediately prior to the level crossing at[…]

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Glen Spean

I met a hill walking friend at Spean Bridge then drove east along the A86 to immediately east of the Glenspean Lodge where a minor road to the north led to Cille Choirill Church. A short distance up this road I parked on a tarred area beside a couple of[…]

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Glen Duror

I left my vehicle in the parking area at the east end of the unclassified road in Glen Duror, accessed from the hamlet of Duror on the A828 Fort William to Oban Road, and walked south-east along the forest track on the north side of the River Duror. The intention[…]

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Glen Lee

Burnt Hill and Cairn Caidloch: With a reasonable weather forecast I headed for Glen Lee in Angus to climb these Graham Tops. I left my vehicle in the car park near the end of the public road in Glen Esk and walked west to the bridge over the Water of[…]

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Glen Muick

Creag Phiobaid – Parked on the south side of the B976 South Deeside Road, west of Ballater, at the start of the vehicle track leading to Loch Ullachie and walked along this track through the trees and onto the open hillside. I then followed a lesser used track which led[…]

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Meall Horn

I left my vehicle on the east side of the A838 just north of the hamlet of Achfary at the start of the estate road to Airdachuilinn. Previously, parking was permitted beside the bridge over the inflow to Loch Stack but a new bridge had been installed and at the[…]

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Glen Feshie

Creag Ghiuthsachan –This Hump was located on the east side of Glen Feshie accessed from the B970 at Feshiebridge. The path shown on my map running south-east from NN848999 didn’t appear to exist due to tree felling so I headed back, north, along the glen to NH852012 where there was[…]

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Beinn a’ Chuallaich and Meall na Moine– I parked on the east side of the B847 Trinafour to Kinloch Rannoch Road at GR NN706616 where there was space for a couple of vehicles. From there I crossed the road, passed through a metal deer gate, and followed a vehicle track[…]

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