
Earlier in the day I climbed the Corbett, Corserine so afterwards I drove to the A75 south-east of Newton Stewart. At the B&B Muirfad I left the main road and located a nearby lane which was used as a parking area for those climbing the Graham, Cairnsmore of Fleet. From[…]

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I left my vehicle in the car park at Forest Lodge accessed along the single track road from Polharrow Bridge on the A713 north of New Galloway. I then followed the sign-posted route for Corserine which took me through the forest, where some areas had been harvested, passed the house[…]

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Shalloch on Minnoch and Caerloch Dhu – I left my car in a small quarry on the east side of the unclassified Bargrennan to Straiton Road just south of its high point (Grid Ref NX379934) and set off south-east across the moorland which consisted of heather and grasses. However the[…]

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Wauk Hill

En-route to Galloway I stopped off to climb Wauk Hill from the A702 west of Thornhill. After crossing the Shinnel Water, south-west of Penpont, I looked for a suitable location to ascend this Marilyn but cattle on the adjacent fields forced me to continue along the road to a series[…]

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Glen Carron

The plan was to climb the Graham, Carn Breac, using the path to the east of the Allt Coire Dubh-riabhach shown on my map as starting just to the west of Glencarron Lodge. We parked on the south side of the A890 Achnasheen to Lochcarron Road just west of the[…]

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I left my car on the north side of the A832 Garve to Achnasheen Road at the start of the vehicle track situated between Corriemoillie Lodge and Corriemoillie Farm. I then walked north along this track crossing a locked gate in a deer fence then passing through a couple of[…]

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With permission I parked on an area of waste ground west of Strathconon Hall and before a new large house then walked along a vehicle track that skirted this property. I entered Factors Wood where I crossed the Allt Mor. The track wound its way through the trees emerging onto[…]

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The starting point for the ascent of the Graham, Carn Salachaidh, was Strathcarron, reached along a single track road from the A836 at Ardgay. Parking near the start of the vehicle track opposite Gruinards Lodge wasn’t possible due to mud so I found a more suitable spot further east at[…]

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Carn Bad an Daimh, Carn Leachter Beag and Carn Dubh ic an Deoir – From Tomatin, south of Inverness I drove along the single track unclassified road on the south side of the River Findhorn to south-west of the woods near Clunie where I parked on the verge. I then[…]

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East Loch Ness

Carn an Dubh-ghlaic and Carn an Fheadain – These two Tumps are located on the east shore of Loch Ness several kilometres north-east of Foyers. I parked at the side of the unclassified road to the east of Carn an Dubh-ghlaic and north of the cattle grid, crossed the road[…]

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