North Morar

There was only limited parking at Bracorina at the end of the single track road on the north side of Loch Morar, accessed from the village of Morar just off the A830 Arisaig to Mallaig Road. We walked east along a rough path gradually gaining some height and on reaching the south end of Lochan Innis Eanruig left the path and climbed the Tump, Monadh na Sroine Dhuibhe.

After a break here we descended north to rejoin the path which was now heading north-east and took us to the stepping stones across the outflow from Lochan Stole to Lochan Ropach. We briefly continued north along the path before leaving it and ascending the Tump, Druim Bealach nan Sac. On reaching the summit there were grand views of Loch Nevis and across to Knoydart. I should have had my camera with me.

We spent a while at this summit before descending north-west to the Bealach na Sac where we located the path and used it to return to the start.

  • Time taken – 3.5 hours.
  • Distance – 7 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 395 metres.