North Aberdeenshire

The first hill of the day was the Tump, High Law, located south-west of Cruden Bay. From the A975 I drove south-east along a vehicle track to near a cottage where I abandoned my car. I then walked north through some rough vegetation and gorse bushes to the trig point.

The second Tump was Hill of Longhaven west of Boddam. I left my car at the side of the minor road to the west and walked across a couple of fields. Further direct progress wasn’t possible due to the existence of a yard, a static caravan and possibly a dog. I was therefore forced to climb over some barbed wire fences to walk up the edge of a field before re-crossing the fences into an area of rough ground and to Hill of Longhaven’s high point which was just south of a secure compound.

I then drove to north-west of Hatton to climb the Tump, Smallburn Hill. I parked at the side of the minor road to the east and as the direct route was blocked by gorse bushes had to cross a couple of fields to reach the summit cairn..

My next Tump was north-west of Mintlaw where I left my vehicle in the car park at Drinnie’s Wood. After a brief road walk I headed north along a forest track then across brash where the trees had been harvested to reach the summit of Hill of Fetterangus.

To the west of Hill of Fetterangus was the Tump, Hill of White Cow Wood. I left my vehicle in the car park there and walked west then north along forest tracks. I then followed a path through mature firs then a firebreak used by mountain bikers. A chambered cairn was reached but the high point appeared to be amongst the trees although the exact point wasn’t confirmed.

North-east of Maud was Cairndale Hill. I parked on the verge of the B9106 walked through a stubble field then a grassy field to reach the trig point. A short distance beyond was the actual summit of this Tump marked by some grass and stones.

The final Tump, Hill of Turlundie, was located on the north-western outskirts of New Pitsligo. I parked in Alexander Bell Place and walked up this road and onto a vehicle track which headed west then north. I later crossed a stock gate and a field to reach the trig point which was located amongst some gorse bushes.

  • Total time – 3 hours.
  • Total distance – 11.25 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 245 metres.