Nethy Bridge

Croftronan Hill: I parked on the verge of the road leading from Boat of Garten to Loch Garten at the point where the Speyside Way headed through the forest (GR NH968191) and walked along this route to a clearing which I followed east. I soon left it and walked south along a track used for forestry operations which took me below the west side of Croftronan Hill then through the well spaced trees, brash and cut timber to reach the summit of this Tump. I thereafter returned to the forest track and followed it back to the start.

Tore Hill: This Tump was located to the south of Nethy Bridge so I parked at the side of the unclassified road to the north of the hill. (NH991179) I walked through the forest on a path later leaving it to climb through some fallen timber to the summit of Tore Hill where a cairn marked the high point. The return was by the upward route.

Cairn Rynettin: Also south of Nethy Bridge was this Tump. I parked at Forest Lodge, accessed along a rough track, and walked south-west along a vehicle track signposted Loch Morlich. On reaching the east side of Cairn Rynettin I left the track and climbed through long heather and lots of fallen trees to reach the summit cairn. The forest was a bit more open here so I had some views. The return was by the ascent route.

  • Total time – 2.25 hours.
  • Total distance – 8.75 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 330 metres.