Munros Stob Poite Coire Ardair and Carn Liath

I left my vehicle in the large car park at Aberarder, just off the A86 Newtonmore to Spean Bridge Road, on the north side of Loch Laggan, then set off to ascend the Munros, Stob Poite Coire Ardair and Carn Liath. A sign requested the use of a path rather than the vehicle track, not a safety measure but probably to ensure visitors pass through the counter.

Buildings at Aberarder
Buildings at Aberarder

Beyond the buildings and house at Aberarder a good quality path headed north-west although in places it was overhung with bracken. Beyond the numerous silver birch trees and long vegetation the path gradually swung round to the west as I headed for Coire Ardair.

Allt Coire Ardair and back towards start
Allt Coire Ardair and back towards start

There were a few deer on the ridge but the cloud lowered and concealed them as I encountered the first of several showers.

On my previous visit I reached Lochan a’ Choire in around ninety minutes but I must be slowing down as it took me an additional ten minutes although I did stop to don waterproofs.

Lochan a' Choire
Lochan a’ Choire

The man made path continued round the north side of the lochan until the route steepened and here the path became wet and peaty.

Coire Ardair
Coire Ardair

It was a steady climb then higher up I crossed loose boulders, stones, scree and in places water running down the path, making for slow progress.

Approaching The Window
Approaching The Window

On reaching The Window, the bealach between Creag Meagaidh and Stob Poite Coire Ardair, I headed north then north-east to the cairn marking the summit of Stob Poite Coire Ardair. A second cairn further north-east was lower.

Creag Meagaidh
Creag Meagaidh
The Window and Stob Poite Coire Ardair
The Window and Stob Poite Coire Ardair
Allt Coire Ardair and Loch Laggan
Allt Coire Ardair and Loch Laggan
Along ridge to Carn Liath
Along ridge to Carn Liath

By this time the rain had ceased and I now had some views as the cloud began to lift. I continued north-east along the ridge to Stob Poite Coire Ardair East Top, an old Munro Top, then to the Munro Tops, Sron Coire a’ Chriochairein and Meall an t-Snaim, passing a lone female going in the opposite direction, the only person I met all day. It was then onwards to the Munro, Carn Liath.

Glen Roy. Ben Tee beyond
Glen Roy. Ben Tee beyond
Lochan a' Choire and Puist Coire Ardair
Lochan a’ Choire and Puist Coire Ardair
Gairbeinn and the Corrieyairack Pass
Gairbeinn and the Corrieyairack Pass
Towards Melgarve and General Wade's Road
Towards Melgarve and General Wade’s Road
East End of Loch Laggan
East End of Loch Laggan
Loch Laggan, Binnein Shios and Binnein Shuas
Loch Laggan, Binnein Shios and Binnein Shuas

I descended south, trying to avoid the boulders, before joining a walker’s path. Lower down this path was wet and muddy and in poorer condition as it passed through the silver birch trees and long vegetation with puddles and running water. Eventually I reached the Coire Ardair Path and followed it back to the car park.

Route off Carn Liath
Route off Carn Liath
Highland Cow
Highland Cow
  • Time taken – 6.25 hours.
  • Distance – 17.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1000 metres.