Munros, Sgairneach Mhor and Beinn Udlamain

I left my car in lay-by 79, located on the west side of the A9 Inverness to Perth Road at Drumochter, which was beside the start of the estate track to Coire Dhomhain.

Start of walk. Coire Dhomhain in the distance
Start of walk. Coire Dhomhain in the distance

I set off along this track which took me south to a railway underpass then back north on the other side of the railway line before heading west towards Coire Dhomhain.

The Sow of Atholl
The Sow of Atholl
Sgairneach Mhor East Top, Sgairneach Mhor, Allt Coire Dhomhain and Coire Dhomhain
Sgairneach Mhor East Top, Sgairneach Mhor, Allt Coire Dhomhain and Coire Dhomhain

On reaching the first bridge over the Allt Coire Dhomhain, (there appeared to be three new bridges) I crossed the stream and briefly followed another estate track. I then climbed the snow covered Sgairneach Mhor East Top where the summit of this Sub Simm was marked by a couple of stones.

Meall na Leitreach. Schiehallion beyond
Meall na Leitreach. Schiehallion beyond
Route onto Sgairneach Mhor
Route onto Sgairneach Mhor

I donned crampons before descending south-west to the col with Sgairneach Mhor then ascended its north-east ridge with outstanding views to the south. On reaching the trig point marking the summit of this Munro I spoke with a couple of chaps who were participants in the Scottish Hills Forum.

Beinn Udlamain
Beinn Udlamain
Pass of Drumochter, The Sow of Atholl and A' Bhuidheanach Beag
Pass of Drumochter, The Sow of Atholl and A’ Bhuidheanach Beag
A9 and Glen Garry
A9 and Glen Garry
Meallan Buidhe with Schiehallion in the distance
Meallan Buidhe with Schiehallion in the distance
Glen Lyon and Ben Lawers Hills in the distance
Glen Lyon and Ben Lawers Hills in the distance
Coire Creagach
Coire Creagach

On leaving this summit I made a slight detour to take in the old summit before descending to the col with Beinn Udlamain.

Ben Alder Hills
Ben Alder Hills

I then ascended this Munro where I met a couple of young chaps one being the owner of a water container I found near the summit of Sgairneach Mhor.

Approaching summit of Beinn Udlamain
Approaching summit of Beinn Udlamain

The summit became quite busy so after a break I headed north-east before turning west and descending into Coire Dhomhain, which was a bit tricky in places due to a build up of snow.

A' Mharconaich
A’ Mharconaich
Descent route Beinn Udlamain
Descent route Beinn Udlamain

On reaching the estate track I used it to return to the A9 after a great day in Alpine conditions.

  • Time taken – 6.75 hours.
  • Distance – 21 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 950 metres.