Munro Meall Buidhe

I was en-route to Tyndrum but stopped off in Glen Lyon, reached from the B846 at Coshieville, to climb the Munro, Meall Buidhe. It was just after midday when I left my car in the parking area east of the dam at Loch an Daimh and opposite the start of an estate track that ran along the north side of the loch.

Start of ascent
Start of ascent

I walked up this track until just opposite the dam where a small cairn marked the start of the path for Meall Buidhe.

Loch an Daimh
Loch an Daimh

Initially it was in fairly good condition but soon deteriorated and became wet and boggy. Further on as the cloud base lowered there was an extensive boggy area and here the path was in very poor nick. Part way through this quagmire I headed off across some better ground and ascended the Sub Simm, Meall a’ Phuill.

From here I descended to the col with Meall Buidhe’s South-East Top then climbed this deleted Munro Top as the cloud began to lift. I now had views of the route round the head of Glas Choire.

Ridge above Glas Choire
Ridge above Glas Choire

I walked round the corrie to the summit of Meall Buidhe and here I spoke briefly to a couple whom I saw in the car park.

Garbh Mheall
Garbh Mheall

After sheltering from the breeze behind this summit cairn for a late lunch I continued round the corrie and climbed the Corbett Top, Garbh Mheall.

Loch Rannoch
Loch Rannoch
Towards Schiehallion
Towards Schiehallion
Meall Buidhe
Meall Buidhe

The return was by the upward route by-passing Meall a’ Phuill and beyond the bog took the path slightly west of the one used on the ascent.

Loch an Daimh and Stuchd an Lochain
Loch an Daimh and Stuchd an Lochain
West End Loch an Daimh
West End Loch an Daimh
  • Time taken – 3.75 hours.
  • Distance – 11 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 755 metres.