Munro Gulvain from Gleann Fionnlighe

Staying near Fort William meant a reasonably short drive west along the A830 Fort William to Mallaig Road to opposite the junction with the A861 to Corran. Here there was parking for a few vehicles on an old section of roadway at the entrance to Gleann Fionnlighe.

We set off up this glen along a vehicle track, a Right of Way to Strathan, later crossing the Fionn Lighe via a bridge. Thereafter the condition of the track gradually deteriorated with pools of water and a stream to cross.

Fionn Lighe
Fionn Lighe
Gulvain South Top
Gulvain South Top

Beyond the Allt a’ Choire Reidh the Right of Way continued north while we headed north-east to commence the ascent of the Munro, Gulvain. Initially the obvious path was wet, boggy and eroded in places but improved as the gradient increased. It was then a stiff climb only relenting after the 855 metre knoll.  From there we ascended the Munro Top, Gulvain South Top.

View of approach route, Gleann Fionnlighe
View of approach route, Gleann Fionnlighe
Approaching Gulvain South Top
Approaching Gulvain South Top
Loch Eil
Loch Eil
Na h-Uamhachan and Loch Shiel
Na h-Uamhachan and Loch Shiel

A bit of height was lost as we descended north-east to the col before climbing to the summit of Gulvain, which was in cloud. After sitting around for a while the cloud lifted and we had views of the surrounding mountains including west to Glen Dessarry and Knoydart.

Gulvain South Top. Loch Shiel in the distance
Gulvain South Top. Loch Shiel in the distance
Braigh nan Uamhachan, Streap and Sgurr Thuilm
Braigh nan Uamhachan, Streap and Sgurr Thuilm
Glen Dessarry
Glen Dessarry
Meall a' Phubuill
Meall a’ Phubuill

The return was by the upward route.

Gleann Fionnlighe
Gleann Fionnlighe
  • Time taken – 8 hours.
  • Distance – 20 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1290 metres.