Munro Creag Meagaidh from Moy

I was en-route home after spending a week hill walking in the Fort William area and stopped off to climb Creag Meagaidh. Years ago I made a direct ascent of this Munro from the A86 Spean Bridge to Newtonmore Road rather the usual easterly approach from Aberarder but had no recollection of the route.

I left my car in the parking area east of Moy and walked west along the A86 to west of the Moy Burn. Here I stepped over a crash barrier then pushed my way through some trees expecting to find a path but there was nothing, just lots of long wet vegetation.

Start of ascent, over crash barrier and through trees
Start of ascent, over crash barrier and through trees

Occasionally I thought I had found a path but it either soon came to an end or disappeared into the long bracken.

Creag na Cailliche, route to Creag Meagaidh
Creag na Cailliche, route to Creag Meagaidh

An old stone dyke and a tributary of the Moy Burn were crossed then it was a plod through wet and marshy vegetation until higher ground east of Creag na Cailliche was reached. I climbed this rocky hillock to a stone dyke which came in from the south-west and ran up the south ridge of Creag Meagaidh.

Loch Laggan and Binnein Shuas
Loch Laggan and Binnein Shuas
Laggan Reservoir, Chno Dearg and The Easains
Laggan Reservoir, Chno Dearg and The Easains
Stone dyke on south ridge of Creag Meagaidh
Stone dyke on south ridge of Creag Meagaidh
Moy Corrie
Moy Corrie

The stone dyke was followed north with a few undulations until high up on the ridge the dyke came to an end to be replaced for a few hundred metres by some old fence posts.

An Cearcallach
An Cearcallach
Looking back at ascent route
Looking back at ascent route
Beinn a' Chaorainn
Beinn a’ Chaorainn
Moy Burn
Moy Burn
Meall Coire Choille-rais and An Cearcallach
Meall Coire Choille-rais and An Cearcallach
Approach to summit of Creag Meagaidh
Approach to summit of Creag Meagaidh

It was then a short climb to the cairn marking the summit of Creag Meagaidh encountering a couple of showers and a cool breeze.

Stob Poite Coire Ardair
Stob Poite Coire Ardair

I didn’t linger and returned by the ascent route. At the foot of Creag na Cailliche I crossed the Moy Burn to follow a couple of wet and boggy quad vehicle tracks back to the A86 and closer to where I had left my car.

  • Time taken – 4.75 hours.
  • Distance – 13.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 920 metres.