Munro Ben Vane

I left my vehicle in the car park at Inveruglas on the east side of the A82 Tarbet to Ardlui Road, on the west shore of Loch Lomond.

Loch Lomond at Inveruglas
Loch Lomond at Inveruglas

I then walked south along the path on the west side of the A82 for around half a mile to the start of the tarred road leading to Loch Sloy Dam. Once beyond the kissing gate at the side of the main locked gate, secured by several padlocks, I walked up the fairly steep zigzag tarred road, until it straightened out and the gradient eased.

Across Loch Lomond to Inversnaid
Across Loch Lomond to Inversnaid

Views were spoilt by the numerous pylons and an electric sub-station where a new large building had been constructed.

New electric sub station
New electric sub station
Coiregrogain with Ben Vane in cloud
Coiregrogain with Ben Vane in cloud

At a road junction I took a left for the Glen Loin circuit route. This vehicle track crossed the bridges over the Inveruglas Water then a small stream. Beyond, an eroded path, wet in places, headed steeply uphill the gradient later easing.

Route onto Ben Vane
Route onto Ben Vane
View of approach and ascent routes
View of approach and ascent routes

The path was now wet and boggy in places until the incline increased and became quite steep, eroded and unrelenting.  

Upper reaches of Ben Vane
Upper reaches of Ben Vane

High up on the hillside I entered the cloud base then there was a rocky scramble before crossing some wet rock to reach the summit of Ben Vane with its two cairns. Apparently a rock beside the second cairn was the highest point of this Munro.

The descent was by the upward route. Just below the rocky scramble I met four chaps sitting at a knoll thinking they were at the summit as the cloud prevented them seeing beyond a slight dip in the ridge.

Lochs Lomond, Arklet and Katrine
Lochs Lomond, Arklet and Katrine
Loch Sloy Dam
Loch Sloy Dam
  • Time taken – 4.75 hours.
  • Distance – 12.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1070 metres.