Munro, Beinn Sgulaird, from Glen Ure

I left my vehicle in the car park at the end of the public road in Glen Creran, reached from the A828 Ballachulish to Connel Road at Creagan. I walked along the private road to Glenure House and followed the signposted route round the north and east sides of the property to the bridge over the River Ure.

Start of walk, private road to Glenure House
Start of walk, private road to Glenure House
River Ure
River Ure

I then headed up the estate track in Glen Ure to the westerly Allt nan Lochan, disturbing feral goats en-route.

An Grianan
An Grianan
View back down Glen Ure
View back down Glen Ure
Feral Goats
Feral Goats
Airigh nan Lochan - West
Airigh nan Lochan – West

After a short break here I climbed north up the west side of a stream onto An Grianan’s North-East Ridge then to the cairn marking the summit of this Marilyn.

Beinn Trilleachan
Beinn Trilleachan
Beinn Sgulaird
Beinn Sgulaird

I returned to the lochan and walked back down Glen Ure for a short distance before commencing the ascent of Beinn Sgulaird. This was a bit tougher than expected with several diversions for slab rock, boulders and gullies. Eventually I gained the east ridge of Stob Gaibhre, a Graham Top, and climbed to its summit which was probably a large boulder.

Beinn Fhionnlaidh
Beinn Fhionnlaidh
Glen Etive, Stob Dubh and Stob Coir an Albannaich
Glen Etive, Stob Dubh and Stob Coir an Albannaich
Beinn Mheadhonach
Beinn Mheadhonach
Coire nan Tulach, Beinn Sgulaird
Coire nan Tulach, Beinn Sgulaird
Glen Ure, Glen Creran and Fraochaidh
Glen Ure, Glen Creran and Fraochaidh

A steep descent led to the crossing of Coire nan Tulach and involved short diversions to avoid large boulders to gain the east ridge of Beinn Sgulaird. Once below its North Top, a Corbett Top, I climbed over some boulders to reach its summit cairn before returning to the East Ridge. I then made the final climb, across a snow field, to reach the cairn marking the summit of the Munro, Beinn Sgulaird.

South-West Ridge Beinn Sgulaird
South-West Ridge Beinn Sgulaird
Loch Creran and Isle of Lismore
Loch Creran and Isle of Lismore

I took another break here with views of Loch Creran and out to the Island of Lismore. Afterwards I returned to the col with the North Top and from there descended north-west which was initially easy going. As I lost height the ground steepened with lots of crags and lower down a stock fence then a deer fence which I had to cross twice to reach the track in Glen Ure. I then retraced the outward route back to the car park.

  • Time taken – 8.5 hours.
  • Distance – 17 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1470 metres.