Munro, Beinn Chabhair, from Inverlochlarig

The starting point for this ascent of the Munro, Beinn Chabhair, was the car park at Inverlochlarig, reached along a single track road on the north shore of Loch Voil, from Balquhidder in the Trossachs. I walked west through the farm at Inverlochlarig then along the farm track in the glen of the River Larig.

Hind and ram
Hind and ram
Glen of the River Larig
Glen of the River Larig

It was initially cloudy with a cool breeze and the streams were running fairly high after overnight rain and snow higher up. However I managed to cross the burns without getting my feet wet and at the Ishag Burn used the old bridge beside the sheep pens.

Stob an Duibhe and Meall Mor
Stob an Duibhe and Meall Mor
Looking back down Glen of the River Larig
Looking back down Glen of the River Larig
Beinn Tulaichean
Beinn Tulaichean

Once below the Munro, Beinn a’ Chroin, and at a point where the track descended back towards the River Larig, I left the track and crossed the lower reaches of this Munro. Underfoot it was quite wet with several small gullies to cross. Height was slowly gained then I entered Coire a’ Chuilinn where there was some wet snow.

View back down Coire a' Chuilinn. Meall Mor beyond
View back down Coire a’ Chuilinn. Meall Mor beyond
Route towards col between An Caisteal and Beinn Chabhair
Route towards col between An Caisteal and Beinn Chabhair

The corrie narrowed as I reached the stream and its several tributaries with more fresh snow cover here. I continued to the coll between An Caisteal and Beinn Chabhair then headed onto Beinn Chabhair.

Ascending Beinn Chabhair
Ascending Beinn Chabhair

It was quite slippery due to the wet snow which also concealed some small boulders and slab rock. Higher up an old snowfield covered in fresh snow was crossed then it was a short ascent to the summit cairn.

Loch Katrine beyond Meall Mor
Loch Katrine beyond Meall Mor
Ben Lomond and Loch Lomond in distance
Ben Lomond and Loch Lomond in distance
Lochan Beinn Chabhair
Lochan Beinn Chabhair
North-West Ridge Beinn Chabhair
North-West Ridge Beinn Chabhair
An Caisteal
An Caisteal
Beinn a' Chroin
Beinn a’ Chroin
Glen of the River Larig. Stob a' Choin beyond
Glen of the River Larig. Stob a’ Choin beyond

 A cold wind was blowing and a shower passed through to the west so after taking a few photos I returned by the ascent route slipping a few times on the wet snow.

  • Time taken – 7 hours.
  • Distance – 21 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 865 metres.