Muir of Fowlis

Stone Hill: I left my car on the verge of the unclassified road east of Muir of Fowlis and opposite the entrance to Broomhill Farm then walked north up the farm road and into a field. I soon left this field as it contained cattle and walked up a lane, through a couple of gates and into rough vegetation including gorse bushes. A further gate led to more gorse bushes and rough grazing pitted with cow hooves and to an area of woodland protected by a deer fence. I walked round the wood and located the trig point marking the summit of this Tump. The return was by the upward route avoiding the field of cattle.

Tombreck Hill:  This Tump was located to the north-west of Muir of Fowlis and with permission I parked at Cardenstone Farm and walked up a little used track into a field where the track continued north. At an open gate a grassy field was crossed and this led to a closed gate covered in barbed wire. After an awkward crossing it was a short walk to the high point within a grassy field. The return was by the upward route.

Langgadlie Hill: This Tump was located north-west of Tombreck Hill and Muir of Fowlis. I parked at the crossroads junction to the south-west of Langgadlie Hill and walked east along the road to just beyond the forest. Here I crossed a gate and commenced the ascent of Langgadlie Hill. It was a steady climb mainly along the forest edge passing through a few gates. A fence corner was reached and once over it I located the trig point within the trees. The return was by the upward route.

Craigievar Hill:  Located to the south of Muir of Fowlis I left my vehicle in the car park at Craigievar Castle, which was closed, and walked up a lane and through the trees. The summit of this Tump wasn’t obvious but was within some open ground. The return was slightly to the west of the ascent route.

  • Total time – 2.75 hours.
  • Total distance – 8.25 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 395 metres.