
I left my vehicle at Rothes Golf Club and walked west along a vehicle track then south on a forest track to reach a quarry. From there I pushed my way through youngish fir trees and into an open area where I visited a couple of high points, either could have been the summit of the Tump, Hill of Conerock.

The next Tump was Hillhead Hill south of Elgin. I left my vehicle in a lay-by north of Thomshill, crossed a barbed wire fence, a stubble field and went through some gorse bushes before entering the wood. Paths led to the trig point and a nearby cairn.

West of Dallas was the Tump, Hill of Mulundy. I parked on the minor road to the south, crossed a grassy field and entered the forest. Here tracks were followed to the high point which appeared to be beside a stone dyke. After visiting other summit possibilities I used the forest tracks to return to the minor road and my car.

My final hill for the day was the Tump, Meikle Hill south-east of Dallas parking beside the bridge over the Cold Burn. After a brief road walk north-west I entered and crossed a grassy field to reach a stock gate. This led to a vast area of heather and young fir trees then onto Meikle Hill’s West Ridge where I located a small cairn. However I visited areas further east which appeared higher. On my return by the upward route I encountered a snow shower.

  • Total time taken – 3.25 hours.
  • Total distance – 11.75 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 355 metres.