
I was in Angus to climb another couple of Tumps, the first one being north of Monifieth. Permission was received to park beside the cottages at Law Farm and from there I walked round the farm buildings, went over a small dyke topped with a barbed wire fence and into a field obviously used by cattle. I climbed to the small tower which appeared to be the highest point of Laws Hill. Before returning to the start I visited a few other ancient structures.

I parked at the head of Balmossie Road, north-west of Monifieth, and walked along the rear of some houses to a gate at the head of Blamossie Gardens where I should have left my car. Once through the gate I crossed a grassy field to a communications tower then went over a collapsed fence. I visited a few points within gorse bushes although unable to establish the highest point of Roman Hill.

  • Total time taken – 0.75 hours.
  • Total distance – 1.75 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 60 metres.