
The Corbett, Beinn Mhic Cedidh, is usually climbed in conjunction with the Corbett, Beinn Odhar Bheag, but I planned to split them into two days as I wished to include a couple of lower hills. I therefore parked on the south verge of the A830 Glenfinnan to Lochailort Road east of Loch Eilt beside the start of an ATV track. (NM847815)

A short walk south on this ATV track took me to the Allt Lon a’ Mhuidhe which was easily crossed then the wet and boggy track, with some undulations, was followed west to the railway underpass.

Sgurr na Paite and Loch Eilt
Sgurr na Paite and Loch Eilt

Once on the other side of the West Highland Railway Line the ATV track continued west with very little change in its condition.

On reaching the Allt a’ Choire Bhuidhe I left this track, crossed the stream and commenced the ascent of the Tump, Sgurr na Paite.

Loch Eilt and approach route for Sgurr na Paite
Loch Eilt and approach route for Sgurr na Paite

It was a steady climb through a mixture of vegetation including some long grass and higher up a few rocks before gaining the summit knoll. I took a break here with views out to the Isles of Eigg, Rum and Skye.

Loch Eilt. Isle of Eigg and Rum in the distance
Loch Eilt. Isle of Eigg and Rum in the distance

Reluctantly I left this fine viewpoint and descended south-west to the col with Beinn Mhic Cedidh where I crossed the ATV track which appeared to wind its way onto the west side of this Corbett. I commenced the ascent of Beinn Mhic Cedidh by the north-west ridge. It was a steady climb and took me onto the north ridge where the walking was easier although the ground rockier. The gradient later increased as I headed to the summit of Beinn Mhic Cedidh which was marked by a cairn.

Beinn Odhar Mhor
Beinn Odhar Mhor
Beinn Odhar Bheag and Beinn a' Chaorainn
Beinn Odhar Bheag and Beinn a’ Chaorainn
Beinn Gaire and Croit Bheinn
Beinn Gaire and Croit Bheinn
Sgurr na Ba Glaise and Druim Fiaclach
Sgurr na Ba Glaise and Druim Fiaclach
Corryhully Munros and Streap
Corryhully Munros and Streap

After another break I returned down the north ridge to the point where I joined it earlier and continued north.

Loch Eilt and Hills of Morar
Loch Eilt and Hills of Morar

It was then a fairly steep descend avoiding lots of large areas of rock and lower down due to the lie of the ground I headed north-west to join an ATV track which returned me to the Allt a’ Choire Bhuidhe then the outward route was followed back to the start.

Route off Beinn Mhic Cedidh
Route off Beinn Mhic Cedidh
Sunset, Sound of Arisaig
Sunset, Sound of Arisaig
  • Time taken – 5.75 hours.
  • Distance – 10.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 905 metres.