
St John’s Knap: I parked at the side of the unclassified road north-east of the A92 at Roadside of Kinneff south of an un-tarred and unmapped vehicle track and walked north-east along this track to near its highpoint where I crossed a fence. Fortunately the electric wire wasn’t live. I then headed over a stubble field into an area which had been ploughed and to the summit of this Tump. The return was by the upward route.

Bervie Brow: I left my car at the side of the unclassified road north-east of Inverbervie and east of the A92. I walked south along this track to just before a house where I crossed a gate then a field to reach the enclosure surrounding the hill. There were a couple of holes in the fence protected by old pallets so I untied one, crawled through the gap, and walked to the summit of this Tump which was a mound beside a concrete building. The return was by the approach route.

Kenshot Hill: Located west of Inverbervie I left my vehicle on the unclassified road to the north of this Tump near Jack’s Corse and walked briefly west along the road to an open gate in a field. I then followed the fence and forest edge to the trig point marking the summit of Kenshot Hill. The return was by the ascent route.

Knox Hill: Previous attempts to climb this Tump were unsuccessful due to a field of growing crops and electric fences. This time I parked in Inverbervie at the start of the road to Hillside of Dendoldrum Farm and walked up the track, passed the farm, and along an unmarked track heading west. This track came to an end at a field of crops so I walked along the tram lines towards the south side of Knox Hill then round the perimeter of the field to the summit trig point.

The return was along the field edges to another track which took me passed Hallgreen Mains then back to Hillside of Dendoldrum Farm and the start.

Paul Matthew Hill: I parked at the edge of the unclassified road to the north-west of this Tump, north-west of Johnshaven then briefly walked north-east along the road to a farm track. This track took me into a field, mainly covered in gorse which was in the process of being cut back and to the west side of Paul Matthew Hill. I then climbed its grassy summit before returning to the start by the ascent route.

Cloch Hill: This Tump was also located to the north-west of Johnshaven. I left my car at the entrance to a ploughed field on the unclassified road to the north-east and walked south-west along the edge of this field then across a couple of grassy fields to reach the summit of Cloch Hill. The return was by the upward route.

Woodstone Hill: Located to the north-west of St Cyrus I parked up at the edge of the forest track to the west of this Tump and followed the track then a path south-east then north-east before leaving it and heading into the trees and towards the high point. I wandered about amongst brash and fallen timber but there was nothing marking the summit. The return was by the upward route.

Hill of Morphie: This Tump was located to the west of St Cyrus so I parked at the minor junction to the north-east and walked west along a farm track to beyond the copse of trees where a track headed south. I initially followed this track later leaving it and climbing through rough long grass to the summit of Hill of Morphie marked by some gorse and broom. The return was by the ascent route.

  • Total time – 3.5 hours.
  • Total distance – 17.75 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 415 metres.