Meall nan Eun

This was our second day residing at Doune on the Knoydart Peninsula accessed only by boat or on foot. The previous day we had been up Loch Hourn to climb the Corbett, Buidhe Bheinn, and it was decided to head back up the Loch this time to climb the Graham, Meall nan Eun. We were dropped off by dingy just east of the Allt a’Chaolais Bhig, climbed up its east side, then above the first tributary and towards the rocky north ridge of Meall nan Eun’s West Top.

By this time the group had split and accompanied by a two of them I worked my way along a grassy area below the west side before, as the cloud lowered, climbed through the rocks and to the summit of the Graham Top, Meall nan Eun West Top, visiting both cairns.

We descended east and climbed Meall nan Eun then on my own walked out to the East Top, another Graham Top. On the return to Meall nan Eun the cloud lifted and I now had some views. I re-joined the couple I was walking with earlier and on leaving Meall nan Eun we met the rest of the group on their final ascent. The three of us worked our way round the West Top, located the upward route, and roughly followed it back to the landing point.

  • Time taken – 3.75 hours.
  • Distance – 6.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 800 metres.