Meall Horn

I left my vehicle on the east side of the A838 just north of the hamlet of Achfary at the start of the estate road to Airdachuilinn. Previously, parking was permitted beside the bridge over the inflow to Loch Stack but a new bridge had been installed and at the time of my visit there was no parking here.

Start of walk
Start of walk
Loch Stack and Arkle
Loch Stack and Arkle

Beyond, the tarred road continued to Airdachuilinn, and then it was a hardcore track to the buildings at Lone.

Lone. Arkle beyond
Lone. Arkle beyond

After another couple of bridge crossings I reached the split boulders and a small copse of trees.

Split boulders beyond Lone
Split boulders beyond Lone

The vehicle track then steepened as it zigzagged above the Allt Horn later easing as it continued up the glen towards Bealach Horn.

Looking back at approach route
Looking back at approach route
Loch Stack and Ben Stack
Loch Stack and Ben Stack
Track above the Allt Horn
Track above the Allt Horn

Opposite the col between Creagan Meall Horn and Meall Horn I left the track and made the short descent through some wet ground and peat hags to cross the Allt Horn.

Creagan Meall Horn and Meall Horn
Creagan Meall Horn and Meall Horn

I then headed for the col wandering around numerous peat hags before the walking became easier. Eventually I reached the col, where it was quite windy, then ascended Meall Horn as cloud engulfed the summit of this Corbett.

Creagan Meall Horn and Foinaven
Creagan Meall Horn and Foinaven

The summit cairn was reached and I found some shelter from the wind for a break hoping the cloud would lift to get some views, which it did although some floated around the area. In fact I was sure I could see the Western and Orkney Isles at times.

Cranstackie, Beinn Spionnaidh and Loch Eriboll
Cranstackie, Beinn Spionnaidh and Loch Eriboll
Towards Loch Eriboll
Towards Loch Eriboll
Ben Hope
Ben Hope
Coir' an Dubh-Loch and Coire Lochan Ulbha
Coir’ an Dubh-Loch and Coire Lochan Ulbha
Creachan Thormaid. Loch More and Loch Stack
Creachan Thormaid. Loch More and Loch Stack

I descended to the col with Creachan Thormaid then climbed this Tump visiting a couple of areas as I couldn’t decide on its highest point.

Descent route from Meall Horn
Descent route from Meall Horn

There was no problem with the descent north-west until lower down when I encountered peat hags. Once through them and across tributaries of the Allt Horn I climbed to the vehicle track and followed it back to the start taking a slight diversion to ascend the Tump, Aird a’ Chuilinn, through some long and wild vegetation once I got over the deer fence.

  • Time taken – 7 hours.
  • Distance – 21.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1100 metres.