Marilyns, Ben Dearg and Beinn na Greine, Isle of Skye

Ben Dearg: It was another sunny day on the Isle of Skye as I drove north from Portree along the A855 Staffin Road to a lay-by west of Loch Leathan where I left my vehicle.

Loch Leathan and Sithean a' Bhealaich Chumhaing
Loch Leathan and Sithean a’ Bhealaich Chumhaing
Cuillin in distance
Cuillin in distance

I walked south on the A855 to a gate in the stock fence followed by a short steep climb of an embankment to an open gate. The ground here was rather muddy having been churned up by cattle which roamed the fields.

An area of wet and boggy ground was crossed where excavations had taken place on the hillside possibly for pipe work or something similar.

The Storr and The Old Man
The Storr and The Old Man

Further west the ground was drier as I worked my way across some mixed vegetation and boulders. Higher up there were a few dips and knolls as I ascended an animal trail to the Bealach Mor.

Ben Dearg
Ben Dearg

An old fence was followed south-west above the cliff edge, with some rusting wire lying around, to below the north face of Ben Dearg. It was then a steep climb on vegetation, scree and some rock, the final section being a bit tricky, to gain the cairn marking the summit of this Marilyn. I took a break on a promontory to the south-east.

Hartaval and The Storr
Hartaval and The Storr
Loch Leathan and Sound of Raasay
Loch Leathan and Sound of Raasay
Sithean a' Bhealaich Chumhaing. Isle of Raasay beyond
Sithean a’ Bhealaich Chumhaing. Isle of Raasay beyond
Ben Tianavaig and Loch Portree
Ben Tianavaig and Loch Portree
Spot the Eagle
Spot the Eagle
Loch Snizort Beag and Bernisdale
Loch Snizort Beag and Bernisdale

I descended north-west, disturbing an eagle which must have been resting on a rock, then cut back below Ben Dearg’s North Face to reach the Bealach Mor before returning to the start by the approach route.

Beinn na Greine: I then drove to Glen More, accessed from the B885 Portree to Bracadale Road at Glengrasco, parking beside the locked gate at the start of the vehicle track leading to communication towers.

I walked east up this tarred road to a ‘T’ junction where I took a right.

Glenmore Farm
Glenmore Farm
Loch Duagrich
Loch Duagrich

The gradient increased and before reaching the south communications tower I left the road and made the short ascent to the summit of the Tump, Skriaig, where the cairn appeared to be the highest point.

Cuillin Ridge
Cuillin Ridge
Beinn na Greine
Beinn na Greine

On returning to the road I crossed it and descended to the col with the Marilyn, Beinn na Greine, where the ground consisted of peat hags and bog.

Approaching summit, Beinn na Greine
Approaching summit, Beinn na Greine

Once beyond these obstacles I climbed this Marilyn, the final section across grassy vegetation and a few rocks. The summit trig point was located within a circular cairn.

The Storr
The Storr
Towards Loch Snizort Beag
Towards Loch Snizort Beag
Communications Tower, Skriaig
Communications Tower, Skriaig
Portree and the Sound of Raasay
Portree and the Sound of Raasay
Ben Tianavaig
Ben Tianavaig
Sound of Raasay
Sound of Raasay
Ben Lee
Ben Lee

After a break sheltering from the breeze I returned to the col then crossed more bog and peat hags to reach the north communications tower. I then descended via the tarred road to the ‘T’ junction and the starting point.

  • Total time taken – 5.25 hours
  • Total distance – 13 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 715 metres.