Marilyn, Ruadh Stac, Isle of Skye

I left my car in the car park on the south side of the A850 Broadford to Portree Road east of the Sligachan Hotel and walked west across the old bridge over the Allt Daraich. I then passed through a gate and headed south along a path on the east side of the River Sligachan.

River Sligachan and Sgurr nan Gillean
River Sligachan and Sgurr nan Gillean

The path, wet and boggy in places, continued up Glen Sligachan to the Allt na Measarroch, easily crossed as the water level was low, then below Marsco.

Glen Sligachan, Marsco and Meall Dearg
Glen Sligachan, Marsco and Meall Dearg
Sgurr nan Gillean
Sgurr nan Gillean
Ruadh Stac
Ruadh Stac

Prior to reaching the Allt nam Fraoch-choire I left the path and commenced the ascent of Ruadh Stac crossing some rough ground and later the Allt nam Fraoch-choire.

Lochan Dubha, Harta Corrie and Cuillin Ridge
Lochan Dubha, Harta Corrie and Cuillin Ridge
Looking back at Sgurr nan Gillean and Glen Sligachan
Looking back at Sgurr nan Gillean and Glen Sligachan

It was a fairly steady ascent across heather then higher up scree and rock before the gradient eased and the cairn marking the summit of the Marilyn, Ruadh Stac was reached.

The Cuillin Ridge
The Cuillin Ridge
Clach Glas and Bla Bheinn
Clach Glas and Bla Bheinn
Isle of Raasay in distance
Isle of Raasay in distance
Loch na Creitheach, Loch Scavaig and Sgurr na Stri
Loch na Creitheach, Loch Scavaig and Sgurr na Stri

After a break here I descended the east ridge to the col with Garbh-bheinn then north into Am Fraoch-choire.

Am Fraoch-choire, Glen Sligachan and Sgurr nan Gillean
Am Fraoch-choire, Glen Sligachan and Sgurr nan Gillean
Beinn Dearg Mhor
Beinn Dearg Mhor

I later crossed the Allt nam Fraoch-choire and walked down its north bank where at times there were traces of a path. Lower down I cut across the moorland to rejoin the path in Glen Sligachan and returned to the start.

  • Time taken – 6.75 hours.
  • Distance – 18 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 580 metres.