Marilyn Carn Garbh Strath Brora Sutherland

The weather forecast indicated that North Sutherland would be one of the drier and sunnier areas of the Highlands so I headed to Gordonbush in Strath Brora, north-west of Brora along the single track road, with the intention of climbing the Marilyn, Carn Garbh. I left my car in an extended passing place on the south side of the road immediately west of the well constructed bridge over the Allt Smeorail. The area had obviously recently been tidied up and sprayed with artificial greenery.

Start of walk
Start of walk

 I crossed the road, rounded a stock gate and set off up the vehicle track on the west side of the Allt Smeorail. It was a steady climb through the pine trees on this little used track. The gradient soon eased and the track from here on had been upgraded, probably for the extraction of timber from the adjoining forest.

Beinn Smeorail
Beinn Smeorail

The track led passed the derelict house, Breac-achadh, and to the main access route for the Gordonbush Wind Farm. 

Breac-achadh, derelict house on the hill
Breac-achadh, derelict house on the hill
Back down the glen and Carrol Rock
Back down the glen and Carrol Rock

There were a number of instruction signs including reporting to the control room which I ignored. The walk through the wind farm was rather noisy with the turning of the turbine blades.

Ben Armie
Ben Armie

On reaching the wind turbine at the far east corner (Turbine 34) I continued to a mast where the track came to an end. (Grid Ref. NC880/153) I crossed rough and boggy ground before the underfoot conditions improved as I ascended the Tump, Meallan Liath Beag, where in the pleasant conditions I stayed for a while taking in the views.

The Griams
The Griams
Carn Garbh
Carn Garbh
Meallan Liath Mor
Meallan Liath Mor
Gordonbush Wind Farm
Gordonbush Wind Farm

I later descended south-west crossing some rough ground and peat hags but things improved as I approached the summit of the Tump, Meallan Liath Mor, although I was unable to ascertain its highest point.

Meallan Liath Beag and The Craggan
Meallan Liath Beag and The Craggan
Towards the Dornoch Firth
Towards the Dornoch Firth

A short descent south-east took me through more rough ground and peat hags but once they were negotiated I came across an old quad vehicle track and followed it to the summit of Carn Garbh, marked by a few stones.

Choire Mhor, Beinn Dhorain and Beinn Mhealaich
Choire Mhor, Beinn Dhorain and Beinn Mhealaich
Towards the Moray Firth
Towards the Moray Firth
West from Carn Garbh
West from Carn Garbh

I returned to the boggy col with Meallan Liath Mor then worked my way to and over its south-west ridge then it was a fairly steep descent towards the Allt Smeorail before the gradient eased.

Beinn Smeorail and Kilbraur Wind Farm
Beinn Smeorail and Kilbraur Wind Farm

Once across this stream there was a steep embankment to climb then some wet and peaty ground to cross to reach one of the turbines. (Turbine 32 at grid ref. NC870143)

Route off Meallan Liath Mor
Route off Meallan Liath Mor

I then joined the main drag through the wind farm and headed back to the start by the outward route.

  • Time taken – 5.75 hours.
  • Distance – 20.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 720 metres.