Marilyn, Beinn Sgluich, Appin

I was returning home after a week’s walking in Glen Coe / Glen Etive areas but beforehand planned to climb the Marilyn, Beinn Sgluich. I drove south on the A828 Ballachulish to Connel Road and at the entrance to Salachan Glen in Appin left my car.  This was also the start of the access road to Bealach Guest House 1.5 miles up the glen.

Once through a stock gate I headed off along the vehicle track and came across some sheep and lambs feeding from troughs. Prior to the cattle grid and the start of the forest, I left the track, walked along the edge of this field, then through a few trees and here there were more sheep and lambs.

Loch Linnhe
Loch Linnhe
Loch Linnhe and Eilean Balnagowan
Loch Linnhe and Eilean Balnagowan

Higher up a stock fence was crossed then some rough ground and heather to gain the north-east ridge of Beinn Sgluich.

Beinn a' Bheithir
Beinn a’ Bheithir
Salachan Glen and Fraochaidh
Salachan Glen and Fraochaidh
Meall Ban
Meall Ban
Lochan Blar nan Lochan
Lochan Blar nan Lochan
Ascending north-east ridge Beinn Sgluich
Ascending north-east ridge Beinn Sgluich

The ridge was followed to the summit trig point then I continued slightly further south where there were good views across Loch Linnhe to Shuna Island, although low cloud was covering the tops of the Kingairloch Hills.

Creag an Fhithic and Loch Linnhe
Creag an Fhithic and Loch Linnhe
Loch Linnhe and Cuil Bay
Loch Linnhe and Cuil Bay
Beinn Donn
Beinn Donn
Loch Linnhe and Shuna Island
Loch Linnhe and Shuna Island

I thereafter descended west to a ‘shelf’ that ran parallel below Beinn Sgluich’s North-East Ridge. On reaching the forest I crossed a fence, located a forest track which dropped fairly steeply to the vehicle track in Salachan Glen. I then walked down this glen back to my car.

  • Time taken – 2.25 hours.
  • Distance – 6.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 485 metres.