Macleod’s Tables, Isle of Skye

I parked near the farm buildings at Orbost, located at the end of the minor road accessed from the B884 Dunvegan to Glendale Road, on the Duirinsh Peninsula, Isle of Skye. I walked along the vehicle track passed Orbost House, which was under renovation, to Loch Bharcasaig, a sea loch.

Loch Bharcasaig and Loch Bracadale
Loch Bharcasaig and Loch Bracadale

The track ran along the edge of the loch, crossed the Abhainn Bharcasaig and entered the forest as the track continued south.

Route through forest. Beinn na Boineid in the distance
Route through forest. Beinn na Boineid in the distance

At a gate in the deer fence the vehicle track came to an end to be replaced by a path which was initially muddy. At the path’s high point I left it and commenced the ascent of Beinn na Boineid. The hillside was shown on the map as clear of trees but there were a few small ones to avoid then a stock fence to cross before reaching the summit of this Hump.

Loch Bharcasaig and back to start
Loch Bharcasaig and back to start
Glen Lorgasdal
Glen Lorgasdal
Beinn Bhac-ghlais and Healabhal Bheag
Beinn Bhac-ghlais and Healabhal Bheag

After a break here I descended north-west before climbing the Marilyn, Beinn Bhac-ghlais.

Looking back at Beinn na Boineid
Looking back at Beinn na Boineid
Glen Ollisdal and Sea of The Hebrides
Glen Ollisdal and Sea of The Hebrides
Ben Corkeval
Ben Corkeval
Beinn a' Chapuill
Beinn a’ Chapuill
Healabhal Mhor
Healabhal Mhor
Ben Idrigill
Ben Idrigill

From there I briefly headed north before dropping north-west to the Bealach Bharcasaig where there was a gate in the stock fence.

I then climbed Healabhal Bheag which higher up was fairly steep before easing towards the trig point. The highest point of this Marilyn, which I visited, was a grassy mound 140 metres from the trig.

Upper Reaches Healabhal Bheag
Upper Reaches Healabhal Bheag
View back to Beinn Bhac-ghlais
View back to Beinn Bhac-ghlais
Glen Dibidal and Sea of The Hebrides
Glen Dibidal and Sea of The Hebrides

On leaving Healabhal Bheag I continued in a north-westerly direction, crossing the Tump, Beinn na h-Uamha, to reach the col at An Sgurran.

Looking back to Healabhal Bheag
Looking back to Healabhal Bheag

Here there was another stock fence and gate and from there I climbed Healabhal Mhor where the grassy vegetation on its wide summit area was rather boggy. A grassy mound 30 metres south-east of the large cairn was the highest point of this Marilyn.

Glen Osdale
Glen Osdale
Loch Dunvegan
Loch Dunvegan

After another break I returned to An Sgurran, walked below the east face of Beinn na h-Uamha, then round the north side of Healabhal Bheag and onto its north-east ridge. I descended to the vehicle track beside Loch Bharcasaig, and then it was a short walk back to the starting point.

  • Time taken – 8 hours.
  • Distance – 19.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1220 metres.