Lower Deeside

Cran Hill: This Tump was located south of Banchory Devenick and south-west of Aberdeen. I left my vehicle on the minor road south of Cranhill Farm and entered the forest on what appeared to be a path but it soon disappeared. It was then a rather difficult approach to the summit of Cran Hill due to the numerous fallen trees which required crossing or waking round. Once at the summit I headed east, where there were fewer obstacles, to reach the minor road south of where I had left my car.

Clochandighter: Located south-west of Aberdeen this Tump was approached from the minor road to the north-west which was closed off for the construction of the by-pass. I followed a path to the summit trig point, walked round the enclosure and returned by upward route.

Craigingles: From the minor road to the east of this Tump and west of Brigg of Blairs crossed a gate and walked along a vehicle track to the derelict quarry. From there old forestry tracks through the wood, these later becoming deep and overgrown, were followed to the summit of Craigingles where I visited a couple of possible contenders for the highest point. The return was by the approach route.

Oldman Hill: Parked at the west side of B979 Stonehaven to Peterculter Road south of the B9077 Aberdeen to Banchory South Deeside Road crossed the road and walked east up a private thoroughfare. I entered and crossed a field containing horses then walked round some gorse to the summit of Oldman Hill visiting a couple of points to ensure I had been to the highest point of this Tump. Returned by approach route.

  • Total time – 3 hours.
  • Total distance – 4.75 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 145 metres.