Lower Deeside

Newmill Hill: ThisTump was located just west of the City of Aberdeen and its suburb Peterculter. I parked on the south side of the A93 Aberdeen to Banchory Road, opposite the road to Anguston, and followed paths through the trees to the summit of Newmill Hill. The return was by the approach route.

Hilton Hill: Parked at Coalford, south-west of Peterculter, and accessed from the A93 Aberdeen to Banchory Road, then followed the Deeside Way to the start of the private road leading to Hilton. I walked along this road to the old Hilton Farm then crossed a couple of gates to access the field west of the old farmhouse where the summit of this Tump was located although not obvious. The return was by the approach route.

Ley Hill: This Tump is located east of Banchory and on the north-side of the A93 Banchory to Aberdeen Road. Back in September 2017 I visited various highpoints to the north of the forest track as well as the trig point located well to the north but not the highpoint to the south of the track which may be the true summit. This visit was to correct it so I parked at the start of the track on the minor road to the west and walked through the forest before leaving the track and climbing south onto its summit. The return was by the upward route.

Hill of Cairnton and Woodhead Hill: These two Tumps are located west of Banchory and on either side of the A93 Banchory to Aboyne Road. I parked at the side of the road leading to Cairnton House, east of Bridge of Canny, and walked along this road before heading through a gap in the trees to the summit of Hill of Cairnton.

I returned to my car, crossed the A93, and went through some trees and across rough vegetation to reach a vehicle track. This track took me through a field and to the property at Woodhead where I walked round the east side of the property. The summit of Woodhead Hill was possibly a rise to the north or a point beside a water tank. I returned to the vehicle track and used it to descend to the A93 a short distance east of my parking spot.

Hill of Trustach: This Tump is located west of Banchory and the Bridge of Canny. I parked at the side of the A93 Banchory to Aboyne Road opposite Backhill of Trustach and walked south-east then south-west on forest tracks to below the south side of Hill of Trustach. I then went through a gap in the trees and climbed initially steeply over a few rocks to its summit. The return was by the ascent route.

  • Total time – 3.25 hours.
  • Total distance – 13.25 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 375 metres.