Lower Deeside

Strathgyle: Located in the Durris Forest, south-east of Crathes. I left my vehicle in the car park south of Hilton Farm and north-east of Strathgyle and walked along the forest tracks to below this Tump. I then worked my way clockwise round the hill initially on a good quality track, an old unused track then a fire break. At the west side of the hill and some 70 metres from the summit I entered the undergrowth which was rather awkward. It was impossible to ascertain the exact high point. The return was back to the fire break before continuing the circuit of Strathgyle and heading to the car park by the approach route.

Hill of Three Stones: I parked at the start of the forest track on the south-west side of the A957 Stonehaven to Banchory Road west of Roadside Croft and walked west to the north side of Hill of Three Stones. The majority of the forest had been or was in the process of being harvested. I crossed brash to reach some young firs and here came across an old path/fire break which I walked along. I later left it and wandered around the summit area of this Tump where there was lots of fallen timber so it wasn’t possible to ascertain the highest point. I returned along the path/fire break which led to the forest track and followed it back to the start.

Glenton Hill: This Tump was located further east. I parked on the south verge of the A957 Stonehaven to Banhory Road at Rickarton and crossed a couple of fields of grass to reach an area of rough vegetation and heather. Once across it I entered the forest and wandered around the high point although I couldn’t determine its exact point. The return was by the approach route.

Shillofad: This Tump was located south of Banchory and well west of the A957 Stonehaven to Banchory Road and was accessed from the unclassified road to the north. Here I parked at the side of the road and walked south along the edge of the forest before descending to the col with Shillofad. A little used vehicle track gradually climbed to the west side of Shillofad and here I left it and climbed through heather of mixed lengths to the summit where the highest point appeared to be marked by a boundary stone. The return was by the upward route.

  • Total time – 5.5 hours.
  • Total distance – 17.25 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 555 metres.