Loch Leven South

I parked on rough ground on the north side of the B863 Glencoe Village to Kinlochleven Road immediately west of the bridge over the Allt Gleann a’ Chaolais on the south side of Loch Leven. Once geared up we crossed this bridge then found the start of the rough and in places wet and boggy path that headed south-east up Gleann a’ Chaolais.

After gaining a bit of height we located the path onto the south-west ridge of the Corbett, Garbh Beinn.

Path onto West Ridge Garbh Bheinn
Path onto West Ridge Garbh Bheinn

Initially grassy and on an easy gradient it soon steepened as the route headed between some boulders onto the ridge and Torran na Crann.

Pap of Glencoe and Loch Leven
Pap of Glencoe and Loch Leven
Across Loch Leven to Beinn na Caillich
Across Loch Leven to Beinn na Caillich
Lochs Leven and Linnhe
Lochs Leven and Linnhe

It was then a fairly easy walk following a path, sometimes wet, to Stob Coire Sgoilte. Beyond a short dip, it was a fairly steep climb on stony paths with occasional scree the gradient only easing just before reaching the cairn marking the summit of the Corbett, Garbh Bheinn.

Loch Eilde Mor
Loch Eilde Mor
Blackwater Reservoir
Blackwater Reservoir
Mamores in cloud
Mamores in cloud

Cloud was floating around but we still managed some reasonable views in particular of the Aonach Eagach.

Am Bodach and Meall Dearg
Am Bodach and Meall Dearg
Meall Dearg and the Aonach Eagach
Meall Dearg and the Aonach Eagach
Mam na Gualainn and Beinn na Caillich - next day's hills
Mam na Gualainn and Beinn na Caillich – next day’s hills

After a break here we returned by the upward route.

Looking into Gleann a'Chaolais
Looking into Gleann a’Chaolais
Ascent-descent route Garbh Bheinn
Ascent-descent route Garbh Bheinn
  • Time taken – 5 hours.
  • Distance – 6.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 835 metres.