
One of my hill walking friends arranged to get the boat across Loch Maree to climb the Corbett, Beinn Lair and the Graham, Meall Mheinnidh in Letterewe, North-West Highlands, as an alternative to the long walk in from Poolewe.


At 8am we met the boatman at the Loch Maree Hotel and were ferried across the loch landing around half an hour later just to the west of Letterewe House where deer were grazing in a field.

Beinn Lair from Loch Maree
Beinn Lair from Loch Maree
Loch Maree looking south-east
Loch Maree looking south-east
Deer beside Letterewe House
Deer beside Letterewe House
Letterewe House
Letterewe House

We located the vehicle track which took us to a dwelling not far from the main house then onto the path up the east side of the Allt Folais.

Loch Maree
Loch Maree

This path, which was in a reasonable state, initially zigzagged through the trees and gorse before emerging onto the open hillside and the Bealach nan Sac. 

Loch Maree Hotel and Baosbheinn
Loch Maree Hotel and Baosbheinn
Loch Maree and Meall Lochan a' Ghleirich. Isle of Skye beyond
Loch Maree and Meall Lochan a’ Ghleirich. Isle of Skye beyond

Good progress was made although I stopped a few times to take in the views back across Loch Maree to the Torridon Mountains and the Isle of Skye.

Meall Mheinnidh
Meall Mheinnidh
An Teallach
An Teallach

The footbridge over the Allt Folais was reached and crossed then it was onto the Bealach Mheinnidh where we left the path and commenced the ascent of Beinn Lair.

Causeway between Fionn Loch and Dubh Loch
Causeway between Fionn Loch and Dubh Loch

There were traces of a walker’s path above the cliffs with awesome views across the Fionn Loch and of the Fisherfield mountains to mention a couple.

Fionn Loch
Fionn Loch
Loch Ewe
Loch Ewe

Higher up a grassy area was crossed before we reached the large summit cairn.

Beinn Eighe
Beinn Eighe
Beinn Alligin
Beinn Alligin

After spending time at the summit we returned to the Bealach Mheinnidh and from there climbed the rockier Meall Mheinnidh although most of the rocky areas could be avoided.


On reaching the summit we visited the two high points as they appeared to be around the same height.

Beinn Airigh Charr
Beinn Airigh Charr
A' Mhaighdean
A’ Mhaighdean
Beinn Lair
Beinn Lair

It was then back to the Bealach Mheinnidh and to the point on the shore of Loch Maree where we were collected by the boatman and returned to the hotel.

Slow Worm
Slow Worm

En-route we spotted feral goats amongst the trees at the shore side and some divers in the water.

Feral Goats
Feral Goats
Black-throated diver
Black-throated diver
Slioch from Loch Maree
Slioch from Loch Maree
  • Time taken – 7 hours.
  • Distance – 15 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1310 metres.