
I parked at the side of the snow covered road just south of the car park at Kingussie Golf Club and used the footbridge there to cross the Gynack Burn to access the private road leading to Pitmain Lodge. This road had seen some vehicle use so following their tracks made the walking a bit easier and the trees gave some shelter from the strong wind.

Track through forest leading to Pitmain Lodge
Track through forest leading to Pitmain Lodge

On reaching the Lodge the snow was deeper here and as I headed north along a vehicle track on the east side of the Allt Mor and out of the wood I lost the shelter of the trees. I was now exposed to the strong wind and spindrift which made the walking difficult and uncomfortable.

On reaching the shooter’s hut at NH747053 conditions were progressively deteriorating so at this point I abandoned the ascent of the Corbett, Carn an Fhreiceadain, and retraced my route back to the car.

Hut at NH747053
Hut at NH747053
On return route
On return route
Creag Mhor through the spin drift
Creag Mhor through the spin drift
Creag Dhubh just visible
Creag Dhubh just visible
Sun trying to make an appearance through the spin drift
Sun trying to make an appearance through the spin drift
  • Time taken – 3.25 hours.
  • Distance – 9.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 275 metres.