
Meall Buidhe and Aonach Mor – I parked amongst the trees on the access road to Drumguish, just east of the B970 Kingussie to Kincraig Road and walked along a path through the trees to the vehicle track in Glen Tromie south of Tromie Bridge. The track was followed south to the access road to Killiehuntly House. As I approached this house the start of the track I was looking for wasn’t obvious so I bypassed this property and walked up the side of a field before accessing the estate track which took me into and through the forest.

On emerging from the trees a rough and muddy track took me to the crossing of the Allt Chomhraig and the start of the ascent of the Graham Top, Meall Buidhe. (also a Hump) The pathless ascent was through some long vegetation interspersed with young trees and hollows making it hard work to reach its unmarked summit.

The descent to the col with Aonach Mor was a bit easier before more rough walking was involved as I ascended this Graham Top. The two summit points indicated on the hill bagging web site didn’t appear to be the highest so I visited another couple which I thought were.

I descended through long vegetation and numerous new trees into Gleann Chomrai where there was no sign of the path shown on my map. I therefore crossed the Allt Lag an t-Siolaidh and gradually climbed through more heather and trees to the path on the south ridge of Croid-la as I knew this path existed from its ascent in May 2017.

The path took me through the heather and to a stile in a deer fence before descending into Glen Tromie. I then followed the vehicle track north passed the access road to Killiehuntly House and to the start.

Creag Bheag – I left my car in lay-by 116 on the north side of the A9, east of Kingussie, climbed an embankment and went over a barbed wire topped stock fence to gain the vehicle track that at this point ran parallel with the main road. I walked west then north along this track to a stock gate and entered a field of sheep. Once across it I was confronted with a deer fence. On gaining the other side I climbed through some well spaced trees and higher up lots of juniper bushes to reach the summit of the Tump, Creag Bheag, which was a rock near the cairn. The return was by the ascent route.

  • Total time – 5.5 hours.
  • Total distance – 18.75 hours.
  • Total height climbed – 690 metres.