
Glaschul Hill: This Tump was located to the south of Kildrummy and was approached from the minor road to its east. I parked at the start of the forest track just north of Knowehead Farm and walked west along snow covered tracks to the highpoint in the forest where the trees had recently been harvested. I then crossed brash and a barbed wire fence to reach the large circular cairn consisting of numerous boulders. After walking round the cairn I returned by the approach route.

Drumgoudrum Hill: I then moved my car a bit further south to park beside the gate immediately north of Mill of Brux and walked north-east along the vehicle track signposted to a viewpoint. However beyond a stock gate the track was obstructed by broom bushes and it became impossible to make further progress. I therefore crossed a dyke and barbed wire fence to enter a field where I followed the north edge of the track.

After walking along the edge of several fields I crossed a fence and continued up a little used track, through or over a number of gates, which took me to a ruin at the south-east side of the Tump. From there I walked along an old vehicle track before leaving it and climbing through rough vegetation to reach its unmarked summit. The return was by the upward route.

  • Total time – 3.75 hours.
  • Total distance – 11 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 315 metres.