
It was back up to the Keith area to climb a few more of these lesser visited hills. The first pair was the Hump, Hill of Mulderie, and the Tump, Little Mulderie, to the west of the town. The access point was the vehicle track to the north which was followed to a junction between them. A forest track, which gradually deteriorated, headed up the west ridge of Hill of Mulderie then it was through some heather to reach the summit trig point.

On returning to the junction of tracks I briefly continued west before leaving the track and walking through some young firs. There were lots of hollows and brash to  contend with before reaching the summit of Little Mulderie although the actual high point I couldn’t determine. The return route was slightly easier as I initially walked south through mature firs before re-joining the vehicle track back to the start.

I then drove further west to climb Knock More parking in a lay-by on the east side of the A95 near the start of the vehicle track to the east of this Tump. The track led to the Knock More transmitter where a path ran round the side of the mast to an old track and the summit cairn.

The next Tump, Thief’s Hill, located north-west of Keith, was within the Wood of Ordiequish. I left my car at the start of the forestry track to the east, walked along this fairly straight track later leaving it and heading south through some overgrown heather to the summit trig point.

Also located to the north-west of Keith was Whiteash Hill. I parked at the start of the forest track to the south then walked north-west then north to a junction of tracks where I took a right later entering an area of young fir trees and brash. I wandered around here as I was unable to establish the high point.

 To the north of Keith was Millstone Hill where driving from the B9016 to the west appeared to be permitted as far as the communications towers where I left my vehicle. I then walked south along a forest track before entering an area containing young firs and brash where the summit was located but it wasn’t possible to ascertain the high point of this Hump.

  • Total time  – 5.5 hours.
  • Total distance – 22 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 525 metres.