Isle of Lewis

I was en-route from the Isle of Harris to Stornoway to catch the ferry back to Ullapool but stopped off to climb the Marilyn, Sleteachal Mhor. I managed to park at the side of the A859 at Ceann Tarabhaigh and walked north up the track to the west of the buildings there.

Start of walk
Start of walk

A couple of gates were passed through before I entered and crossed a field to reach gate number three and beyond it the open hillside.

Route to Sleteachal Mhor
Route to Sleteachal Mhor

The undulating ground was wet and boggy in sections as I made my way onto Sleteachal Mhor and to its summit which was marked by a few stones on a rib of rock.

It was raining at this time so I descended west and climbed the Tump, Beinn a’ Charnain. Here the rain was lighter so I stopped for a break.

Sleteachal Mhor
Sleteachal Mhor
Looking back to start. Loch Seaforth beyond
Looking back to start. Loch Seaforth beyond
Loch Langabhat and Roineabhal
Loch Langabhat and Roineabhal

Afterwards I descended east to below the south side of Sleteachal Mhor then headed back to the start by the approach route.

  • Time taken – 2.25 hours.
  • Distance – 5.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 300 metres.