
The initial plan was to climb the Graham Tops Beinn Bhuide (also a Hump) and Beinn Bhreac from the Clachan Duich Cemetery Car Park near the A87 Causeway over Loch Duich. I set off through a stock gate and followed a vehicle track, which was mostly dry after the recent fine spell of weather, as it rose below the south face of Sgurr Airgid. It was warm work with no significant breeze to cool me down.

Beinn Bhuide and ascent route
Beinn Bhuide and ascent route
A87 Causeway, Loch Duich
A87 Causeway, Loch Duich
Gleann Lichd
Gleann Lichd

On reaching a gate in the stock fence the track reverted to a path as it zigzagged up the west side of a gorge later emerging at a cairn east of the bealach between Sgurr Airgid and Beinn Bhuide.

Sgurr an Airgid
Sgurr an Airgid

From there it was a pathless ascent to the summit of Beinn Bhuide, marked by a cairn and here there was a welcoming breeze.

Skye Bridge
Skye Bridge
Beinn Bhreac
Beinn Bhreac
Beinn Sgritheall
Beinn Sgritheall

On studying the map and as it was such a fine day I thought of extending my walk to include the Graham, Carnan Cruithneachd. This didn’t alter my initial plan to continue to Beinn Bhreac so I walked north-east across undulating terrain with a mixture of rough vegetation and rock to reach the summit of this Graham Top.

The Saddle
The Saddle
Carnan Cruithneachd
Carnan Cruithneachd

From here I descended its North-East Ridge to just north of Bealach Con to access Carnan Cruithneachd North-West Ridge. It was a fairly stiff climb, avoiding numerous rocks and boulders, to gain the summit cairn where there were good views into Glen Elchaig.

Glen Elchaig and towards Killilan
Glen Elchaig and towards Killilan
Loch na Leitreach
Loch na Leitreach
Srath Duilleach, Iron Lodge and An Socach
Srath Duilleach, Iron Lodge and An Socach
Summit, Carnan Cruithneachd
Summit, Carnan Cruithneachd
Carn Eighe and Mam Sodhail
Carn Eighe and Mam Sodhail

After a break I descended fairly steeply south-east before making a short easy climb onto the Graham Top, Suie Dhu. I then headed west to join the rough path that ran between Strath Croe and Glen Elchaig and headed south towards the forest at Dorusduain. The now forest track, after a steep descent, joined the track from the Falls of Glomach. Parts of the forest had been harvested and the old car park removed.

Roe deer
Roe deer

I walked down the road passed Lenassie Farm onto the Morvich Road where a new car park had been constructed. It was then a short walk back to my car.

Strath Croe
Strath Croe

To finish off the day I parked in the lay-by on the A87 beside the Loch Duich Causeway, crossed the road and some boulders and climbed the Tump, Diarmid’s Grave, where there were traces of a path through the overgrown vegetation.

  • Total time – 8 hours.
  • Total distance 18 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 1270 metres.