
Hill of Bainshole: This Tump was located on the north side of the Glens of Foudland, part of the A96 Inverurie to Huntly Road. I left my vehicle at the side of the minor road to the north-east and walked south-west along a sign-posted vehicle track then a path through the trees. Once over a gate I crossed rough vegetation to reach the summit of Hill of Bainshole. The highest point wasn’t obvious so I wandered around a bit before returning by the approach route.

Broom Hill: From the same starting point as Hill of Bainshole I walked north along the minor road then entered a field and headed up the south edge of a narrow strip of trees. At its top end the mud created by cattle appeared fairly deep so I briefly retraced my route, crossed barbed wire fences and passed through the trees to enter a muddy field containing young cattle.  I had to chase the cattle away on a couple of occasions before I was able to reach the trig point, the summit of the Tump, Broom Hill. I thereafter descended west across the field to rejoin the minor road and return to my car.

Gallows Hill: This Tump was located east of Huntly. I left my car at the side of the minor road north-east of Woodside Farm and walked along the road to the farm and the junction with the minor road to Colyne. Here I entered and crossed a stubble field to reach the summit of Gallows Hill. I then retraced the route back to my car.

Kipps of Downies: I parked off road on the north side of B9024 east of Glen Dronach on the B9001 and west of Shiel and walked up the edge of a small plantation to the summit of this Tump. The return was by the ascent route.

Gouldrie Wood:  Parked beside Easterfield Primary School on the minor road immediately north of the B9024 and north-east of Glen Dronach and walked north-west along the minor road. I then entered and crossed a stubble field to access an adjoining field to reach the summit of this Tump. The return was by the approach route.

Hill of Carlincraig: This Tump was located south-west of Turriff and south-east of the B9024. I left my car at the side of the minor road to the west of Hill of Carlincraig and beside the access road to Feith-hill Farm. I crossed several gates and a couple of fields to reach an embankment which was probably the summit where I visited a couple of points. I then took a more direct route back to the start.

Drumblair Hill: Located north-east of Huntly and south-east of Glen Dronach this Tump was approached from the minor road to the north where I managed to get my car off the road. I walked along a vehicle track, went through a gate and some gorse then up the edge of some mature and young trees. The summit of Drumblair Hill was near a bench seat. The return was by the upward route.

Kirk Hill: This Tump was located south of the B9001 and south-east of Glen Dronach and was approached from the minor road to the south and east of Aultdavie. Here I entered a plantation and followed grassy paths to reach a deer fence. On the other side was the summit trig point. After visiting the trig and returning over the fence I descended along grassy paths slightly west of the ascent route.

  • Total time – 6 hours.
  • Total distance – 16 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 510 metres.