Hills West of The River Grudie

The starting point for this outing was the lay-by on the A832 Garve to Achnasheen Road opposite the vehicle track to Fannich Lodge.

Start of tarred road to Fannich Lodge
Start of tarred road to Fannich Lodge

Once across the main road I walked north-west along this tarred private road as it rose north-west through the trees and passed a new communications tower. After over a mile I came to the point I intended leaving this road and made a short descent to the road bridge over the River Grudie.

Bridge over River Grudie. Meallan Buidhe and Carn na Beiste beyond
Bridge over River Grudie. Meallan Buidhe and Carn na Beiste beyond
River Grudie
River Grudie

Beyond it there was a gate in the deer fence with notices regarding forest operations.

I therefore walked up the west side of the deer fence across wet boggy ground and bog myrtle. At the top end of the forest I headed north-west, through similar terrain with the bog myrtle being replaced by heather, aiming for the col between Meallan Buidhe and Carn na Beiste. Prior to reaching this point I commenced the fairly steep ascent of the former avoiding the rocks and crags. I visited a few outcrops as it wasn’t possible to state which was this Tump’s highest point.

Loch Luichart and Sgurr Marcasaidh
Loch Luichart and Sgurr Marcasaidh
Moruisg and Strath Bran
Moruisg and Strath Bran
An Caber and Loch na Beiste
An Caber and Loch na Beiste
Loch na Beiste, Garbh Choire Mor and An Coileachan
Loch na Beiste, Garbh Choire Mor and An Coileachan
Carn na Beiste
Carn na Beiste

It was a pleasant sunny day so I took a break here with great views as I could see for miles and miles. The plan was to head for and climb Carn na Beiste before returning to the start. However on my ascent of the nearby An Caber from the west some 10 years ago I hadn’t recorded if I had visited its West Top, a Tump, so in these fine conditions I decided to head there next. I therefore descended south then west working my way through rough vegetation below An Caber’s East Ridge and its summit. I then climbed An Caber West Top and on reaching its cairn was in little doubt that I had been to its summit back in 2011.

Sgurr a' Mhuilinn and Sgurr a' Choire-rainich
Sgurr a’ Mhuilinn and Sgurr a’ Choire-rainich
Meallan Odhar and Fionn Bheinn
Meallan Odhar and Fionn Bheinn
Beinn na Ramh and Loch Fannich
Beinn na Ramh and Loch Fannich
Loch Fannich, Fannich Lodge and the Westerly Fannichs
Loch Fannich, Fannich Lodge and the Westerly Fannichs
Loch Fannich and Beinn Dearg
Loch Fannich and Beinn Dearg
An Caber
An Caber

From there I descended east and climbed to the summit of the Marilyn, An Caber, where rocks near the trig point were obviously higher.

Strath Bran, The Sgurrs and Moruisg
Strath Bran, The Sgurrs and Moruisg
An Caber West Top and Fionn Bheinn
An Caber West Top and Fionn Bheinn

A short descent south-east took me to the fairly flat east ridge which was wet and boggy. After around 800 metres the descent steepened through long vegetation as I headed to the col north of Loch na Beiste where the ground here was also wet and boggy. It was then a steep climb passed a concrete pillar located on the South Top to the small pointed rock that marked the summit of the Hump, Carn na Beiste.

Loch Fannich
Loch Fannich
An Coileachan and Garbh Choire Mor
An Coileachan and Garbh Choire Mor
Aultdearg. Ben Wyvis in the distance
Aultdearg. Ben Wyvis in the distance
River Grudie and view back to start
River Grudie and view back to start
Zoom Slioch
Zoom Slioch

After another break sitting in the sun I descended steeply south then south-east before the gradient eased and I aimed for the north-west corner of the forest.

Meallan Buidhe
Meallan Buidhe

Rather than follow the deer fence through the wet and boggy ground and with no work in progress in the forest I crossed the deer fence and located a tarred road that took me to the gate in the deer fence and to the bridge over the River Grudie. I then returned down the Fannich Lodge road to the start.

  • Time taken – 6.75 hours.
  • Distance 16.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 750 metres.