Heading North

Heading for the North-West Highlands I planned to stop off and climb some hills en-route the first being Carn Sgriob located to the north of the A938 Dulnain Bridge to Carrbridge Road. I drove up the single track road and parked just south of Achnahannet Farm then walked along an estate track to west of Clachbain. I then followed another track that climbed steadily north then north-west to below the summit of Carn Sgriob, later leaving this track and ascending through heather to the boulder which marked the summit of this Hump just to the south of the tall cairn.

The second hill in my plan was west of the A835 Garve to Ullapool Road south of Inchbae Lodge. I left my car at the side of a forest track on the west side of the bridge over the Black Water and walked north-west along this track for over a kilometre to reach a cattle grid. Beyond this point the trees had been harvested and replaced with young firs so I left the track and followed the edge of the mature fir trees and a deer fence. Later I was forced to head through the young firs with its hollows making it hard going. Higher up I walked through heather, moss and some boulders to reach the outcrop marking the summit of the Tump, Carn Gaineamhach. Nearby were a couple of aerials, a power unit and a solar panel.

I then drove further north-west on the A835 and parked at Black Bridge, crossed the main road, the bridge then a stock fence to enter some rough vegetation.  I then walked through this area to reach the summit of the Tump, Carn an t- Sneachda, where I visited a few different points/rocks as unable to say which was the actual highest.

  • Total time – 3.75 hours.
  • Total distance – 12.75 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 600 metres.