Graham Tops from The Slochd

I left my vehicle beside the Slochd Ski Centre, accessed from an old section of the A9 south-east of Inverness, and walked across the railway bridge then south on a vehicle track through the forest, gradually losing some height.

Track across railway bridge Slochd Ski Centre
Track across railway bridge Slochd Ski Centre

On reaching the house at Insharn I went right through a stock gate, crossed the bridge over the Allt an Aonaich, and a few metres further west at another track junction turned left

General Wade Bridge, Insharn
General Wade Bridge, Insharn

. At a second split in this vehicle track I took the higher route which ran below the Tump, Carn an Ailean. I soon left this track and climbed through heather of various lengths caused by years of muirburning avoiding the juniper bushes.

The cairn shown on the map was reached and here I walked round a gully with a slight loss of height before continuing my ascent of Carn an Ailean through more heather of mixed lengths.

Route to Carn an Ailean
Route to Carn an Ailean

The summit cairn and trig point was reached but its highest point was an embedded rock amongst heather some 130 metres to the west.

Cnoc Fraing, Sguman Mor, Carn Mheadhoin and Carn Coire na Caorach
Cnoc Fraing, Sguman Mor, Carn Mheadhoin and Carn Coire na Caorach
Carn Phris Mhoir
Carn Phris Mhoir
Insharn and approach route to Carn an Ailean
Insharn and approach route to Carn an Ailean

After visiting this point and taking a break sheltering behind the cairn from some drizzle, I descended south-west through more burnt heather to rejoin the vehicle track east of another junction, where I passed a couple of chaps going in the opposite direction. At the track junction I descended steeply to the ford on the Allt-Leth-allt. Once over this burn it was a steep climb south and here I was overtaken by a chap driving a 4 by 4. The gradient later eased briefly before the track turned west onto Carn Mheadhoin.

Cnoc Fraing and Sguman Mor
Cnoc Fraing and Sguman Mor
Carn Coire na Caorach
Carn Coire na Caorach

There was a slight loss of height before I regained it and more as the track headed round the north-east side of the 609 metre knoll where it came to an end and here the driver of the 4 by 4 was seated in his vehicle. Before this point I left the track and crossed some wet ground to reach a stock fence and electric wire which may not have been functioning as the wire was touching the ground in a couple of places. I then followed these fences west across wet and boggy ground to reach the cairn marking the summit of the Graham Top, Carn Coire na Caorach without the requirement to cross the fences.

I returned to the track, the 4 by 4 had gone, and briefly walked south before leaving it to cross more wet and boggy ground to rejoin the fences north of Sguman Mor. I then ascended this Graham Top with the summit cairn at a junction of fences so again there was no requirement to cross them.

Carn Mheadhoin and Carn an Ailean
Carn Mheadhoin and Carn an Ailean
River Dulnain looking east
River Dulnain looking east
River Dulnain and Garbh-mheal Mor
River Dulnain and Garbh-mheal Mor
Cnoc Fraing and River Dulnain
Cnoc Fraing and River Dulnain
River Dulnain looking south-west
River Dulnain looking south-west
Carn Coire na Caorach from Sguman Mor
Carn Coire na Caorach from Sguman Mor

After a break at the summit I returned to the track and followed it and others back to Insharn and the start.

  • Time taken – 5.75 hours.
  • Distance – 17.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 640 metres.